Is that slug I smell?

I’d love to fill you in on the frenetic and fascinating things going on in my life, but I just realized that I FORGOT to have a frenetic and fascinating life. Damn.

I do have a creative project in the works; photos to come.

This is assuming I can actually muster up the energy to do the project. I sit at my desk or lie in bed at night for hours, wide awake, trying to figure out what I want to write and if I even have a writing career anymore. Then during the day, I could literally sleep for twelve hours without moving if life would allow it.

Life doesn’t allow it, however, so when all things align exactly right, I’m still going to the gym, the post office, the grocery store, and the bank. Between napping, reading (at last count, I’d read sixty-five books over the last ten months), and avoiding housework, I have long conversations with the dogs. I don’t know if those conversations are as boring as this post, but the dogs seem okay as long as I don’t sing.

Funny, they never complain when Tim sings.

11 thoughts on “Is that slug I smell?”

  1. *hugs*

    You still have a writing career. You are an imaginative and creative writer who is being hit with writer’s block.

    I’m struggling with a plot myself, just now. Nasty, evil thing writer’s block.

    Have you tried fleshing out your characters before worrying about plot? Would writing prompts help…?

    I know that, with me, depression is rearing its head when I desire to sleep that much… But there are times that a body simply needs extra resting time, too.

    Just wanted to mention that you are still a writer. I believe in you – and I am pulling for you.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! My emotional/physical slump is, I think, a natural reaction to my last one to four years. It takes time to recover.

      It’s not so much writer’s block as not knowing what I want to write next. I WILL write; of that there is no doubt.

      Regarding the writing career: That problem is more one of the economy and the publishing industry. Though I get letters and e-mails every day from readers who encourage me and enjoy what I write, unless that somehow translates to increased sales, my slot will be filled by another hopeful. It’s all about the dollars–that’s just business–nobody’s fault. No aspiring writers should be discouraged by that; after all, they may be the next hope!

  2. They say if a man waits long enough he’ll get what he wants. Finally you’re in the right frame of mind for me to suggest you joining my seraligo without you slapping my face and showing me the door. Been waiting years for this. : )

    Think it over. Free Starbucks, wireless Internet and America’s Next Top Model marathons. Come now….

    1. I had to look up what that even is. I can’t live with a bunch of women who aren’t 11.5-inch plastic; I’m too bossy.

      Or is the rest of your harem gay men? That would explain the ANTM marathons, but I suspect the Starbucks would be all no-fat-soy-everything-hold-the-whipped-cream, and I don’t think I’m ready for that jelly.

  3. Thankfully, Renee appreciates my singing. She does not understand that I’m a bit under the weather with either a late winter or an early spring cold, so I’m getting no sympathy at all. After waking my up a 6:50 she was kind enough to spend the morning napping with me on the couch. (That probably was only because I shared my toaster waffle with her for breakfast.)

  4. I think everyone has funk periods in life. You are still a great writer even when you don’t feel like writing. You’re building anticipation in your readers!

    Jewel puts her head down when I sing- no respect I tell you!

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