Hump Day Happy

In honor of the gladiator theme going on elsewhere on LiveJournal, this pride of unusual-looking lions will find you something to be happy about from the usual book. Just comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25.

Lions provided by The Brides.

33 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy”

      1. flea bombed lions? well, that makes sense then.

        and OMG, i LOVE baked potatoes in foil! jen made some a few weeks ago and i had forgotten how terrific they taste.

    1. LOL, you’ve missed them, haven’t you?

      From the book:

      “selling lemonade from a big earthenware crock set up on a card table on the sidewalk”

      (Damn, the economy IS bad!)

    1. “sparkling nonalcoholic grape juice”

      (Actually, the book has a typo and says “sparking” instead of “sparkling,” but I think that’s just too much a walk on the wild side.)

        1. I know. You must be starting your intense pre-S&S training right about now. I assume that after S&S, you’ll be in the Timothy J. Lambert Suite at Betty Ford again?

    1. Thank you. And from the book:

      “fluorescent-lighted luncheonettes”

      (Doesn’t that just scream Doris Day/Rock Hudson in late 1950s Manhattan?)

  1. Gladiators? Gladiators‽ How did I miss the gladiators? I was only sick for a couple of days. And I’ve had gladiator fantasies since I was a prepubpup.

    Well, if I can’t have gladiators could I please have Page 84 number 3 please?

    Renee’s too young for her choice, she’s happy about everything. She discovered her first butterfly today. OK, maybe it was a moth.

    1. A moth is just a butterfly without the good reputation.

      And from the book:

      “contentment in listening to music and staring at a fire”

      1. Huzzah … it was a butterfly. Remembering back to pests encountered when my mom and I used to cultivate part of the grounds as a veggie garden, the cabbage butterfly popped into my head. Before it had a chance to lay any eggs in my head I clicked to google. The small white butterflies that were doing their mating dance in the air that attracted Renee’s attention were small white cabbage butterflies. They’re the first butterflies to emerge in spring and you’ll see them throughout the year until the first hard freeze destroys the greenery they eat.

      2. Huzzah … it was a butterfly. Remembering back to pests encountered when my mom and I used to cultivate part of the grounds as a veggie garden, the cabbage butterfly popped into my head. Before it had a chance to lay any eggs in my head I clicked to google. The small white butterflies that were doing their mating dance in the air that attracted Renee’s attention were small white cabbage butterflies. They’re the first butterflies to emerge in spring and you’ll see them throughout the year until the first hard freeze destroys the greenery they eat.

  2. I am bored out of my brains, correcting bad links and doing research. Necessary, but unfun.

    Therefore, I request 5, and 89, which should also be unnecessary, but FUN.

    1. “babies in backpacks”

      And I know what is meant, but still, the first image that came to mind had me giggling like crazy. Hope it works for you, too.

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