Some things may be better left in the past

Forever I’ve been intending to do a post about Facebook and the surreal nature of connecting with people from the past. This is not that post. This is a post which proves that you really can find anything on the Internet.

For some reason, I was remembering a 45-record giveaway from Lays Potato Chips. Or some potato chip company; maybe it wasn’t Frito-Lay. HOWEVER, I remember Debby and I putting the 45 on the record player back when we were sweet young things, then she, our mother, and I stared at each other open-mouthed. One of us finally said, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Then we laughed until we cried, and it became, forever after, our standard of crazy ass music.

What the hell that was was the Legendary Stardust Cowboy, and damn if he doesn’t have a Wikipedia entry, a web site, a MySpace account, and YouTube clips. Because I adore all of you who read here, I won’t link you to any of that, even though David Bowie HIMSELF says he took the name for Ziggy Stardust from the obscure Legendary Stardust Cowboy. The Ledge, as he’s called, reminds me that just as is true of writers, there’s always somebody who’ll like what you do. You just have to find your audience.

Today, we are bombing The Compound residences for fleas. Tim dropped the hounds at the “spa” for a day of grooming on his way to cater to the whims of Boss Lady Hanley. I set up a temporary office in the garage while Tom set off the flea bombs. Then he picked up some breakfast for me on his way to work. Benefit of being in the garage: I’m enjoying the lulling sound of the dryer while I wash all the dog bedding. I have my coffee, my green tea, my computer, and a Julie Smith mystery. Later, I may walk to Starbucks because the air is nice and cool.

Not a bad life, I think. I hope the Ledge is having a good day, too.

16 thoughts on “Some things may be better left in the past”

    1. You could be. Tell that taskmaster you work for that you have a Starbucks emergency. Wait–is your new computer a desktop or a laptop?

          1. Yeeeaaaah, I’ve been swindling money away for months for this sucker. And I still only put half down. But the way I see it is, it’s gonna last me a LONG time and it can handle all of the visual work that I do, not to mention millions of large format photos. Go hard or go home, right? And, it’s a business expense! But OMG, spending that much money on anything makes me freak out a little. We’re talking about the person whose nearly entire wardrobe is thrift store finds. And my idea of splurging is Target. It hasn’t quite hit me that this is my computer yet.

  1. Forever I’ve been intending to do a post about Facebook and the surreal nature of connecting with people from the past. This is not that post. This is a post which proves that you really can find anything on the Internet.

    You tease! I’d love to hear what you think about this topic, although I guess the title of this post gives us a clue. When I go on Facebook and see the various people from my high school who’ve friended each other, I’m honestly curious whether they actually interact much with each other and how those online interactions are going. I saw that this guy who was a year under me and who was Facebook friends with a lot of those people had apparently deleted his account. I wonder if he encountered something that made him say, “Bleh! I’m outta here!” On another community I belong to, a person said that for a few weeks it was fun reconnecting with people from their high school, but then it got very annoying.

    1. Oh, I’m definitely going to post on this topic. It’s just that it’s part of a much longer entry, and I’m not sure I have the energy for it yet. But another LJ friend (Hey, Cari!) posted about it yesterday and reminded me that it’s all stewing back there in my brain soup.

      1. LOL

        I was reading along, nodding with intensity (especially to the entry from the gentleman that you responded to, here. I’d wondered the very things that he posted about in my post, yesterday…) and then I saw my name and laughed.

        I came in to post that I am right there with you on the surreal nature of Facebook *nods* AND I think that you are correct in that there is an audience for just about anything in this world (and in this current economic climate) – especially when audiences favor talented creators such as yourself.

        You “sound” like you are feeling better. Bravo, dear!


  2. Facebook is truly frightening.

    I’ve been found on there by any number of people from my checkered past…and what is even more surprising than their finding me is why were you looking for me in the first place?

      1. Oh, nothing bad has come out of it; I just am surprised that so many people from my past either 1) have so much time on their hands or 2) were so impressed by my acquaintance so long ago that they would go in search of me.

        Co-workers throughout the years? Sure, I get that. Fraternity brothers from college? I get that. I even get the people from my high school in Kansas–it was a small school.

        What has really surprised me is the people from my gigantic suburban high school in Chicago. I didn’t graduate from there, and have not heard from or spoken to any of those people, really, since 1975.

        It’s flattering, but also makes me scratch my head a bit.

  3. While most of my friends on FB are current ones, my most pleasant social network surprise was my best friend fromym senior class finding me on Myspace.

    Sounds like you’ve got it made in the garage today. I was debating on starting a Julie Smith mystery when I finished the latest Jimmie Ruth Evans(which I did today), but found I was missing the next one in the Skip Langdon series, House of Blues, when I went to get it off the shelf. It is one that is out of print, so I will have to scour the used bookstores til I find it. I did that a few years ago when Greg mentioned her on the blog and thought I’d found them all.

    1. I don’t even try to read them in order, I just pick them up where I find them and read them as I do. Fortunately, she’s had such a good, long career that it’ll take me a while to finish all the series.

  4. I made the mistake of responding to an e-mail about my high
    school reunion and having the guy running it want to friend
    me on Facebook. I never use my Facebook account for anything —
    I have a few pictures there and a very general bio and that’s
    it. But ever since I’ve been beseiged with friends requests
    from people who no only were NOT my friends in high, but who
    wouldn’t give me the time of day! Now I’m getting messages
    from them and birthday greetings and invitations to their
    plays and parties and beer busts!

    If I’d had this much attention in high school I wouldn’t
    have ended up a new wave playing, weird clothes wearing,
    crazy writer person.

    I guess it’s a good thing they didn’t have Facebook back then!

    1. If I’d had this much attention in high school I wouldn’t
      have ended up a new wave playing, weird clothes wearing,
      crazy writer person.

      Oh, you probably would have. It just might have taken you a little longer.

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