13 thoughts on “Magnetic Poetry 365:33”

  1. in a big glass build ing

    I kind of relate to this, but the walls are not there. (Is that “do” on top of “___nt”?) How about,

    hot glow frame
    why out near wet & ice
    please decorate

    1. Re: in a big glass build ing

      The “do” is on top of “want” to make “don’t.” Walls can be physical and, for some people, metaphorical.

  2. In Penelope Trunk’s blog (check my link career advice), she asks “What do you tell people when they ask ‘What do you do?'” She suggests that how we answer this can change our perception of our reality. I’m going to start telling people I’m a writer. Retail is what I do until writing starts to support me. I’m not retail. I’m a writer.

    1. I’ve often told people to say “I am a writer” rather than “I want to be a writer.” At least one can put the work into it, making the chances better than when I say, “I’ll win the lottery!” instead of “I want to win the lottery.” (

      Though I forget to buy tickets, which I suppose is akin to not doing the work. =)

    1. Thanks for asking. Three possible answers:

      1. I haven’t always worked from home.
      2. I have empathy and relate to experiences/emotions different from my own.
      3. Narrators and writers are not always the same person.

        1. I guess the best answer I can come up with is the words themselves. When I pull a handful out of the box, I divide them by noun, verb, adjectives, adverbs, others, and extras. Then I start trying to find combinations that suggest ideas to me, or are things I can relate to, or trigger some memory from my or someone’s else’s life, or are whimsical or relate to some idea or principle I feel strongly about, or just have images that tell me a story. When I go back through them, many of them have nothing to do with me at all. They tell a completely fabricated story–and fiction is what I most enjoy.

          I understand that many writers take most of their writing directly from their lives and change names or details. That’s not me.

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