Good grief

I have been trying to post ALL day but keep getting distracted. I have the attention span of–squirrel!

There was an odd noise this morning somewhere in the bungalow. Tom said it sounded like a weird gurgling in the hot water heater. I thought it sounded like an armadillo doing calisthenics in the refrigerator. It’s possible it may have been the sound of life ending for some rats in the attic (Namaste, rats). But nobody’s going up there until Exterminator 2: Judgment Day plays here in a few days.

Poor Margot has a sick foot and had to go to the vet. Tim picked her up after her appointment and also brought The Big H for a visit.

A rat for me to play with?!?

I love rats!

Tasty, tasty rats.

The wienerbrats were MOSTLY good girls today. They picked up a few bad habits from whoever raised them, but I firmly believe that you CAN teach old dogs new behaviors, so I’m working on it. One thing they must stop doing is terrorizing Pixie. Just because she’s five times their size doesn’t mean she doesn’t get her feelings hurt when they conspire, then on a signal none of the rest of us sees, full-on charge her with ears flapping and gums yapping.

Tim gave me these gorgeous flowers last week for no apparent reason. I like to think we were celebrating a year of lung health and no smoking at The Compound.

On Monday, I colored another angel while talking to Denece on the phone. I think of this one as the Watermelon Angel.

This photo is for no reason except I like seeing the designs adding up and grouped. I understand why they keep the finished designs on dressmaking forms in the Project Runway work room. It provides a sense of progression along with completion.

Everything about the show this season is better for me, including my own relearning to sew with a machine (and being competent at it! Suck it, dubious former home ec teachers!). I met the most adorable couple at Jo-Ann Fabrics the other night–very young and enthusiastic about everything. He bought her a sewing machine so she could learn to sew (because she wants to), and they were having a blast shopping for stuff together. It’s always so fun to see people enjoying the moment, without worrying where an interest might lead–maybe this is a lesson children and dogs can teach us. (Did you doubt I could find a theme for this post?)

26 thoughts on “Good grief”

  1. I might be crazy (might?) but in the last photo H looks
    like Bette Davis!

    My mother used to spend half her life in Jo-Anne Fabrics!
    So why can I barely sew a button on?

  2. so when you call them weinerbrats … are you referring to brats like the yummy sausage, or as in bad behaving children? I ask because I can’t believe those two ladies are capable of badness.

  3. Of course, last season was my first full season of watching because I didn’t have Bravo, so I only caught the occasional episode online, but even I can see a dramatic change all around this season.

    I like the groups ahot and am glad to see the Lady in Red right up front. That one’s definitely my fave thus far.

  4. The weinerbrats looks like so much fun. I may have to try to talk Kelly into fostering another animal, but 3 is probably enough right now.

    Thanks for sharing all of these, Becky.

      1. About the only good thing about snow is that it covers up the poop so I can ignore it for a while—until the snow melts and I’m picking up tons of it.

        1. OH–I meant to ask. Do you recognize that rat The Big H is holding? You sent it to me after that awful rat debacle. The little one is still on the bookshelf behind me in my office.

          I noticed this big one is on the bookshelf in a picture I just posted of ValentinesGiving night. Your rats are omnipresent!

  5. Weinerbrats…….hahaha!!! Good nickname.

    They are too cute. If I liked weiner dogs and didn’t already have 2 dogs and 3 cats, I’d consider them.
    I hope they find a good, forever home!

  6. Poor Pixie! One day when I was out walking down the long dirt side road I usually use, a black and tan Daschund saw me and started barking. It came up to me and smelled me. However, when I tried to pet it, it ran off again. At least it ran back to its home and didn’t try following me all the way back to my house like that Terrier did a few weeks back.

  7. And once you have the weinerbrats under control, can you please come and terrorize my little Shadow…who thinks it’s great fun to jump at the Bitch-faced Kitty until she snarls. And then he rolls over looking hurt as if it’s her fault she’s annoyed.

    Well, actually, it probably is Angel’s fault for getting annoyed easily. But hey, she’s an old, old lady.

  8. The wienerbrats look so comfortable at your house…and so they should! It’s so great that they are together.
    The Big H gets cuter all the time.

    1. I love her smile and her sweet little voice. She lights up a room!

      The wienerbrats have the WORST freaking breath in the world. When Esther is barking, it makes me feel faint, I swear. I wonder what I can do about that? Lindsey already tried brushing their teeth.

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