
Whenever anyone talks about Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, I always think of my friend Geof, who does a great impression of Tippi Hedren from that movie. You can’t imagine the self-control it took for me not to buy this* when my sister and I were on our recent trip:

I especially like the three birds who are on her.

*This does not mean you should buy this for me.
I don’t have room for it.
You know who you are.

18 thoughts on “Birds!”

  1. BOIDS! I like saying the title of that movie in a mock-Brooklyn accent.

    One thing I always enjoy about Hitchcock’s movies is Bernard Herrmann’s music. Though I like this movie, it irks me that they made the decision to not have a score at all… except for that “riggeldy-raggeldy-neow-neow-neow!” song [the worst song ever].

    Her bag’s hot.

  2. Before I’d even got to the end of the post I’d wondered if I should buy it for you. 🙂 And I’m sure you didn’t mean me, either. G and I love the film and I’d love to buy him one for Christmas! Will have to investigate but I’m thinking the price might be a little high.

  3. She looks surprisingly composed considering her predicament. As if she’s saying “How can I prevent these birds from ruining this photo shoot? I know. If I tilt my head this way, maybe the crow will look like a new hat.”

        1. This is that last moment before her perfection is marred by the evil pecking bird.

          I don’t know why Hitchcock was so obsessed with terrorizing blonde beauties.

  4. For some reason I sometimes get a catalog of the special designer/theme Barbies, which I always think are cool, but this is AWESOME.
    Plus, when I googled it to find out the price, I discovered a site called Dirty Bear Toys (where it’s the same price as Google shopping shows for Walmart).

    Any time I see these things I want to buy them for you. If I wasn’t living week to week I would adopt you as my niece…

    1. I think I may be old enough to be your aunt! You’re too sweet. I’m mostly happy just looking at photos of them. I swear my slide into Top Model madness didn’t reactivate my Buy Barbie switch.

      I hope. =)

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