Around The Compound

I don’t know what time I went to bed last night. I was really tired. I know Rex was all WTF?!? when I put him in his crate, as it was definitely many hours before Tim’s usual bedtime.

I then got my pillow and a quilt from downstairs and stretched out on Tim’s bed. (Not under your covers, not using your pillows, so it’ll be like I was never there. You know I hate making Tom do more laundry. Heh.)

I fell asleep quickly, but I woke up about every two hours and tortured myself trying to figure out what time it was. Finally, just before six, I got up and released Rex, who once again had that WTF?!? expression on his face. It was mirrored on Margot’s face when Rex and I took a walk around the yard. I spotted her staring out the Home Office window at me. In her case, the WTF?!? look was her sense of betrayal that I’d spent the night out with another dog. Somewhere inside, I’m sure Guinness was just thinking, “Is it time for breakfast yet?”

During the course of the night, my dreams let me know everything I’m stressed about. For example, I dreamed that I was filling my car with gas. Even though the gas was $1.67 a gallon (cue Rex’s WTF?!?! face here), it cost the guy in front of me over $300 to fill his truck.

I also dreamed that I needed to turn off the air conditioner. I don’t know why, because I damn sure wasn’t cold at Tim’s. Here at The Compound, we’re keeping the thermostats between 85 and 90, and I’m still thinking we’ll need to pimp out Tim to pay the utility bills in July, August, September, and October. Any takers? (Right now, in the suburbs, Tim’s face just got the WTF?!? look.)

I also dreamed about the TJB5 manuscript in progress. Which was kind of good, because I’ll probably get a chapter out of what I dreamed. Although I’m sort of 0 for 4 on pleasing my writing partners with what I’ve written so far.


10 thoughts on “Around The Compound”

  1. “(Not under your covers, not using your pillows, so it’ll be like I was never there. You know I hate making Tom do more laundry. Heh.)”

    That’s what I do, too, so you may want to wash that top comforter, or at least flip it.

    1. Not a problem, since I stayed cocooned in my own personal quilt. Except for my feet, which were two inches from the fan. (I also sleep in a different direction from you, I think. It’s hard to tell what direction you sleep in, as you are always lost under covers whenever I don’t see you sleeping.)

  2. 1.67!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s 2.73 here. Sheesh what a difference.

    I always dream about the work I am suppose to do. It’s odd, but I wake up, streaming with ideas, and then when I actually do get up, I forget most of them.

    I hope your day goes very well!

        1. I mean, I did, but for some reason, I read 1.67 and thought wow that’s amazing.

          Note: I am just waking up from a much needed nap. 🙂 So I am little slow on the go, if you get my meaning.

          1. And the sad thing is? I remember a time when $1.67 was like robbery. Now I’d be happy. Which is probably part of their fiendish plan all along.

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