Magnetic Poetry 365:304

A little girl came to the door in a group of other little kids. I didn’t recognize their costumes, not being always up on what kids are into, but hers was an easy one.

“Trick or treat!” she said.

“You look great! Are you a witch?” I asked.


I’m stumped. Pointy hat. Shiny black dress. Striped stockings. Is that the trick? I’M TOO OLD TO RECOGNIZE SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE A WITCH BUT ISN’T?

It’s the first time in three years we’ve had trick-or-treaters. Maybe things have changed during those years. Or maybe the kid hasn’t embraced method acting yet.

A neighbor came by with her daughter-in-law and two grandkids. The kids are about waist-high and chest-high on me. The last time I saw them, one was crawling on the neighbor’s front porch and the other hadn’t been born.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Sunday night, Tom and I went to Johnnie and Matt’s house because they had a pumpkin carving party. It’s the first time I’ve ever carved a pumpkin. I got lots of help and advice. Mostly, it got me into the Halloween spirit. (See what I did there?) So I actually went to the grocery store and bought candy today. Even though, as I said, it’s been years since anyone ate it but Tom, Tim, and me.

And they came! Lots of them. Some of them wanted to reach into the bowl themselves to take the candy. Clearly, they did not understand that an Aries was in charge.

Now they’re all home, dividing up the spoils, getting it checked out by their parents, and hopefully it will be doled out to them over time. I loved trick or treating as a kid. And a ‘tween. And even a teen, though of course Lynne led me into misbehavior on Halloween night. Such a bad influence…

It makes me happy to see kids out again, dressed up, carrying their little plastic pumpkins and Halloween-decorated bags. I like to live in a world where that still happens.

As for our pumpkins:

Tom did the wolf. I did the Barbie silhouette. As you can see, though Victoria and Jane lurk above her, Barbie magic and Wolf strength are keeping Bella safe. Well, that and Jacob, Edward, and Alice. These six know what it means not to break character. Where’s that little witch?

The next Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn, Part 1, opens on November 18. Thanks to the special set of word magnets Marika sent me, you can expect a theme with the poems and photos for the next couple of weeks. Blame Marika! Like Lynne, she’s a bad influence.

Here are some more pumpkins from the carving party Sunday night:

Runway Monday Finale, Part 2 (PR 9:14)

Draw near, the Tenth Muse is arriving to introduce my final collection for Lifetime’s Project Runway ninth season finale.

She’s Summer, the Muse of Fashion, and she’s here to welcome us to the court of the Fairy Queen.

As the minutes tick toward dusk and the magic of the forest night, she sees the Three Pixies approaching.

A few minutes later, the Two Sprites hurry toward the gathering place.

They await the arrival of the queen of their fairy ring.

Once they’ve all assembled, they begin to reveal the shimmering dresses designed for each of them especially for this night. All dress fabric except Laura Lee’s Dupioni silk and Summer’s synthetic blend is printed metallic georgette silk. The capes are velour and crushed velvet. Enjoy this magical night of fashion with Fairy Queen Marcella and her royal court.

The Pixie Thomasina:

The Pixie Laura Lee:

The Pixie Noelle:

The Sprite Dallas:

The Sprite Cari:

The Muse Summer:

The Fairy Queen Marcella:

Romancing the Stone:

Dancing in the Trees:

My final collection is inspired by pixie dust, Halloween, and a belief that magic is wherever we look for it. Thanks for sharing this season of Runway Monday with me. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

Fabric for Summer’s dress is a gift from Lynne. All shoes are Mattel. Cari’s and Dallas’s necklaces designed by me. Crystals in Cari’s necklace a gift from Kathy S. Marcella’s crown modified by me from a Mattel crown. Photos were shot at Houston’s Glenwood Cemetery, most of them at the grave of my friend Tim R, who was an early champion of my creative energy, relished listening to tales of witches and vampires on tape by candlelight in his wonderful cottage, and would be delighted at providing me a quiet place to have some fun with dolls and fashion.

Previously this season:
9:13 Finale, Part 1
9:12 The Final Challenge
9:11 This Is For the Birds
9:10 Sew 70s
9:9 Image Is Everything
9:8 What Women Want
9:7 Can’t We All Just Get Along?
9:6 The Art of the Matter
9:5 Off to the Track
9:4 All About Nina
9:3 Go Big Or Go Home
9:2 My Pet Project
9:1 Come As You Are

Magnetic Poetry 365:300

I can’t believe I’m at poem 300. Only 65 more to go!

We’ve talked on here before about Victoria Holt books. It’s possible Bride of Pendorric was the first romantic suspense novel I ever read. My mother got it through her book club, and I’m not sure why she saved it through the decades when so many other books were rehomed, but she did. Her copy is now in my library. BUT–its dust jacket was long gone. Recently, Greg found a copy and sent it to me ’cause he knows it’s my favorite Victoria Holt novel. I’ve been reading it again before falling asleep each night–after watching Netflix episodes of The Vampire Diaries. Boy, are my dreams weird.

Thank you, Greg, for your thoughtful gift. As your reward, you get a sneak peek of something that’ll be part of my final collection. Mwa ha ha, just in time for Halloween.

Magnetic Poetry 365:299

Working on my final PR collection while watching the first season of The Vampire Diaries. When I’m not reading the news. Which is making me feel, as it has for about eight years, uncomfortably prescient. It’s one of the “benefits” of having turned thirty-five a few times, I think.

One of the other “benefits” is that I know no one much gives a crap about my politics.