An anniversary

It was about this time on this date last year that I, the Ultimate Tim Stalker, followed him over to Live Journal and began my own LJ. My first posts were mostly lackluster. I never had a theme for my LJ, like the more political, literary, or humor blogs that I so love to read. It started randomly, and it’s stayed pretty random for the past year. Sometimes I rant about politics; most times, it’s about the dogs.

I worried that people I know might read it, so I’ve pretty much kept my private life (and theirs) out of it. What I didn’t expect was that I’d interact with so many amazing strangers because of it and that they’d stop being strangers (although never stop being strange, because strange is good), or that it would connect me to other writers the way that it has. I love all that.

Thank all of you who have read, commented, e-mailed, and shared yourselves with me on this forum. Even on days that I don’t post, I read and enjoy all of your posts and pictures. You’ve truly made my days better by making me laugh, think, and see into your worlds.

Five Weird Habits

I was tagged by Christina.

Ground rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “Five Weird Habits of Yourself” and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people you want to tag.

Five Weird Habits:

1. If I talk when I’m mad, I don’t use contractions.
2. If I find out there’s a dog in a movie, I won’t watch it unless someone can tell me the dog doesn’t die.
3. I will go to great lengths to avoid walking down a flight of stairs or stepping off of a curb.
4. No matter how tired I am, I can’t fall asleep without reading something–even if it’s only a page or two.
5. I need a steady noise when I sleep. A fan is best.

I won’t tag you, but I’d love to see your weird habits. =)

Survivor Finale!

Tonight we forced invited the players on our Survivor Fantasy Tribe to watch the finale with us. We were all happy about the winner, but we were missing one of our players. Steve, in honor of you, I set a place at the table with your favorite beverage, and I even handed over the immunity necklace Rhonda and Lindsey made. Of course, after the photo, I took back the necklace. I didn’t want to be voted off! There was pizza and ice cream.

There is still pizza (thanks, Tom) and ice cream (thanks, Rhonda and Lindsey). It was a great finish to an excellent Survivor season.

Becky needs…

So y’all have probably seen those posts in which people have gone to and written their name and the word “needs” in quotation marks for a search. You’re supposed to put the first ten responses in, but I’m just listing my favorites from the first few pages. Here is what Google tells me I need.

Becky needs to get her skates sharpened.
Becky needs to get to work.
Becky needs your attention.
Becky needs to turn her life around.
Becky needs more people like you on her side.
Becky needs consoling after a humiliating experience.
Becky needs a wardrobe upgrade.
Becky needs to know that her boyfriend is screwing my girlfriend. (My top favorite.)
Becky needs a nanny.
Becky needs help.

Riley and me

Riley and I started being friends when I was 14. Several shared interests brought us together, among them The Hobbit, that we both thought of ourselves as writers, and our love of music. In Riley’s case, he actually was a musician who could play any instrument he picked up. He didn’t have the greatest singing voice in the world, but that was okay, because after all, didn’t we love Bob Dylan?
Continue reading “Riley and me”

At last!

Thanks to Faustus, I can now see the face (and hear the voice!) of the Man of Many Aliases and Countries. He corresponds with me daily. Indeed, multiple times daily! And he’s going to make me RICHER THAN BILL GATES. (Or, depending on which reality you live in, Charles Montgomery Burns.)

Then no one can ever repossess River’s liver.