Five Weird Habits

I was tagged by Christina.

Ground rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “Five Weird Habits of Yourself” and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people you want to tag.

Five Weird Habits:

1. If I talk when I’m mad, I don’t use contractions.
2. If I find out there’s a dog in a movie, I won’t watch it unless someone can tell me the dog doesn’t die.
3. I will go to great lengths to avoid walking down a flight of stairs or stepping off of a curb.
4. No matter how tired I am, I can’t fall asleep without reading something–even if it’s only a page or two.
5. I need a steady noise when I sleep. A fan is best.

I won’t tag you, but I’d love to see your weird habits. =)

3 thoughts on “Five Weird Habits”

  1. 1) I drive with my toes curled (only my right foot).
    2) I brush my teeth with one hand on my hip or on the wall next to the sink for leaning.
    3) I constantly compare my bank statement on line to my balance in my checkbook. God help us all if one of those numbers is a fraction of a cent off… I will spend hours crunching numbers until I find where that 5.8 cents went.
    4) It feels awkward to me to shower alone since R and I have gotten into the habit of taking all of our showers together.
    5) I have to have a vanilla latte after eating sushi.

  2. I have a friend who is just like you on the dog in movie issue.

    Did you fall down stairs or a steep curb once?

    I can’t sleep well unless I have lots of light on.

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