Silly Love Songs

Today, as Marika pointed out to me, is Paul McCartney’s birthday. I’ve made no secret on LJ of how much the Beatles and their music mean to me, so I won’t revisit that today, though I do wish Paul a happy sixty-sixth. I celebrate the life of this man who has so impacted our world with what he calls his “silly love songs”–not just because of the music itself, which would be enough, but the way that music has given him money and prestige he often uses to help heal our planet and its inhabitants.

It’s actually not one of Sir Paul’s silly love songs that has been on my mind. Yesterday, when reading that old entry about Tim’s art and writing bad poetry in response to MGH’s challenge, I could not get Chicago’s “Colour My World” out of my brain. I finally just had to go buy and download the damn thing so I could wallow in memories. (You, however, can listen to it for free courtesy of youtube.)

I suppose I was a bit of a Chicago fan, probably in part because of a surprise party Lynne gave me on what I think was my fifteenth birthday. I still have decorations from that party as well as vivid memories of some of the people there–Lynne, of course, and Susie and Gale and Tim G. and Riley, among others. Bonus photo from among my very favorites:

Tim G. and Riley looking like poster teens for illegal drugs and underage drinking.

At that birthday party, Alan I., who I barely knew, gave me a DOUBLE Chicago album, which was almost like going steady if I hadn’t already been Tim’s girlfriend and one of Riley’s obsessions. I remember the party as among the last of the happy times, because it wasn’t long after that when my parents moved us to a smaller town and yanked me into another school (to get me away from the poster teens for illegal drugs and underage drinking).

Since my parents had promised, SWORN, that they would never make me change schools again–thereby luring me to form real, lasting friendships for the first time in my life–I was one very angry teenager. That’s why they came up with The Bribe:

A piano and piano lessons. The first thing I did on the piano was painstakingly teach myself how to play “Colour My World.” I’m sure hearing that a thousand times a day made Bill and Dorothy sincerely regret The Bribe, but as they say, payback is hell.

I never progressed beyond the simplest music with my piano lessons. “Colour My World” would be played at my first wedding, and four years later, after my divorce, selling that piano (with my parents’ okay) brought me some much needed cash. Eventually, I would give my complete collection of Chicago albums, even the one from Alan, to Ed D., who sang at my second wedding twenty years ago today.

This has been a year of great loss for me–Riley and my mother–and I am having some rough moments. Still, I know that I will be okay because of silly love songs and all the people who color my world with hope and love. Thank you–and happy anniversary, Tom.

January 21, 2008
January 20, 2008
October 14, 2007
December 27, 2006
June 24, 2006
December 8, 2005
September 30, 2005

30 thoughts on “Silly Love Songs”

  1. So did you realize at the time that you were getting married on Paul’s birthday?

    Isn’t it funny how certain names seem to play parts over and over in our lives. You are surrounded by Tims. I have a daughter who has always known and and been surrounded by Chris’s.

    1. Are your daughter’s Chris(es) both male and female?

      Timothy is one of my favorite names, and every Timothy I’ve known has brought great joy to my life. Stephen/Steven is another of my repeated names, but their track record is not as good. πŸ˜‰

      Nope, I didn’t know it was Paul’s birthday when I got married–just a happy coincidence.

      1. Interestingly enough, the name Timothy used to be dead to me. Fortunately, Mr. Lambert saved it for me.

        As for getting married for the second time at fifteen, well, suge, you ARE from Alabama….sorry you were an old maid of nine your first time!

    1. Thank you. And of course, I failed to point out that I did all that living and STILL married Tom on my fifteenth birthday, as Kathy said, because I’m only thirty-five. πŸ˜‰

  2. You know who sings a lot of fun silly love songs… CELINE DION, that’s who.

    Much love to you and Tom have a happy celebration… and much love to you and Sir Paul too, although Ringo and George are my favorites

  3. If “Rhonda Choking Up” was what you wanted for your anniversary, you just got it in spades.

    Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people on earth. πŸ™‚

    1. Aw, thank you. And thanks to you and Lindsey for delivering us an early anniversary dinner this week (even if you didn’t know it at the time!). Y’all rock.

  4. I see Riley-Chucks. : )

    One of my first memories is of toddling around on one of those brick-mosaic patios in my baby shoes. Every time I see one it brings that day back in a whoosh.

    Happy Anniversary to you and to Tom.

    Aside from all that, I want to impress something, and that’s you often write entries I just really relish, and this one’s one. I get excited every time you appear with something new to read on my friends list, of course, now… whatever, you’re A FUCKING GREAT STORYTELLER, Becky. : )

    1. You know, if I weren’t already married and 35ish, and you weren’t gay and totally crushing on someone else, I’d have to make you mine. =)

      Thank you.

        1. I’m trying to remember what the context was for that bragging. Then again, painkillers are my friend for more than one reason.

              1. I just double-checked and re-read some of the stuff from New Orleans that I’d jotted down in my paper-diary. Laughing my ass off right now. And yeah, you’re right. Atta boy, ‘Nathan!

  5. Happy belated anniversary.

    Chicago wrote tunes with great hooks. Would you believe that an album of instrumental versions of their songs (especially 25 or 6 to 4) recorded by AndrΓ© Kostelanetz was my salvation for a series of fashion shows I produced in the early 70’s.
    It’s a shame you’re much too young to remember when they started out as The Chicago Transit Authority.

  6. Oh, crap!
    I knew this was your 20th anniversary year and I meant to pay attention and make my best (timely) wishes to you two! (Can I blame my failure on computer problems rather than the fact that I’m a putz?)

    1. I can’t BELIEVE that while you’re standing atop your broken computer with flood waters swirling around you, my anniversary wasn’t the FIRST thing on your mind. I think you should pay for this gross oversight. An anniversary photo on LJ from the girls would probably do the trick. No hurry. I’ll give you until June 18, 2009.

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