snack cakes

I’d kill right now for a Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll. Or even a Nutty Bar. What’s your favorite Little Debbie snack?

Little Debbie Barbie and Farmer Ken.

47 thoughts on “snack cakes”

  1. Is it me or does Little Debbie look like the kissin cousin of the boy from Tennessee Pride. I’ve never met a Little Debbie yummy that I didn’t like, however the best ever is … MOON PIES

  2. It used to be the Boston Creme Rolls until I visited the online store and discovered the COSMIC BROWNIES
    with candy-coated mini-chocolate chips.
    And I never realized they even made a Little Debbie Barbie! Oh, what a sheltered life I’ve led. Where was my Auntie Mame?

      1. Unfortunately, with diet restrictions I could probably get away with eating one per month. The same goes for Ted Drewe’s Concretes, which I could possibly get away with eating one every six months.
        BTW, would you believe I’ve been snarfing for years and never realized it. All of my discoveries are noted in my LJ postings.

        1. Oh lord, Ted Drewes frozen custard is what might eventually turn me diabetic. I can’t believe I haven’t made the trek down to the custard stand this year–probably because a gelato shop opened much closer to home. I suppose if I rode my bike down to the stand, that might negate the calories. Some of them, at least.

          My favorite Little Debbie was the double-decker oatmeal cookie with the frosting in the middle. I can’t remember what they’re called though. I used to be able to eat a whole box of them in one day–though I do not recommend this.

          Jeffrey R.

    1. Clearly, this is something I must put on the list of things to never eat. I don’t need another Little Debbie snack to crave!

  3. When my friend Deb worked with me, she used to bring Little Debbies every now and again for a treat for those of us working.
    I always told her it was because they were like her: cheap and easy.

  4. I dind’t know about the orange moon pies! I have a strange addiction for artifical banana flavoring though. (Mmm. Circus Peanuts) But if we’re talking Little Debbies – Oatmeal Cream Pies.

    I once had a dream that my great aunt Ecotrina had become frovoliki (the rural hick version of a vampire) and was trying to lure me into inviting her into my grandparent’s farmhouse by offering an oatmeal cream pie. She should have thrown in a bag of stale circus peanuts to sweeten the deal. After eating them, I would have been ready to die.

    I think Little Debbie Barbie would be happier if farmer Ken looked like hunky Keith from Six Feet Under in the episode where he was running around shirless in overalls. Now why can’t I have dream sequences like that instead of nosferatu in a cheap wig and tang-e-glo lipstick?

    1. Who is this, coming late to the party and being so funny? Identify yourself! Or don’t, but I’m enjoying Great Aunt Ecotrina and tang-e-glo lipstick.

  5. Swiss Cake Rolls are the best by far!!! Sometimes I just gulp them down, sometimes I peel the outer layer of chocolate off and suck out the cream filling. Also I love the Oatmeal Cream Pies.

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