Tarot Etc. Thursday No. 5

This beautiful new box I picked up sometime after Christmas at a Tuesday Morning store now holds five different decks. The deck I’m choosing to feature today is The Akashic Tarot, a 2017 set created by Sharon Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor.

The box it came in reads: The Akashic Tarot is an astoundingly accurate tool for predicting the future, unveiling hidden insights, and unleashing new powers. That description would likely not have made me buy this deck last year, because the only part that grabs me is the “hidden insights.” Your mileage may vary if you work with Tarot cards in a different way from me.

Many, many years ago I had a fascinating dream which I won’t share because it involves someone I knew personally and loved (still love) very much. She died in 1978, and I had this dream in the 1990s, and in the dream, I said to myself, “I’m in the Hall of Akashic Records, and it is nothing like I was led to believe.” Had I heard the term before? Possibly from Princess Patti. But my mind on the subject was a blank slate, and the sentence was so sure and so specific that I never forgot it. From that day, I’ve questioned people who have a lot of experience with and interest in metaphysics about the concept.

As simply as I can state it, theory has it that the Hall of Records is actually three physical places located on the planet where stored records explain the history of the origin of humans and how we arrived on Earth. Accessing the contents of these records helps predict where humans are going.

The Hall of Akashic Records, on the other hand, is an ever-changing and shifting energy dimension that contains all the experiences of every living being across time and throughout the Universe. Someone who accesses these records can see the past, present, and future, and every individual can see her/his own records for past, present, and future if s/he accesses the subconscious.

Do I believe all that? As with all things, I have a healthy sense of skepticism. The way my mind works, there is no way to know, and no one way of thinking disproves or proves another. There are people who do believe in one or both concepts, or who hold entirely different spiritual beliefs, and in that regard, all I’d say about any individual’s or group’s actions is that they are best done with the highest intentions for the good of all concerned, without will to manipulate an outcome or another human, and with a commitment to do no harm. The things I value most highly are compassion, honesty, freedom, justice, and loyalty. What runs afoul of those, I want no part of.

The dream that remains with me is why I bought the deck, and it’s quite beautiful. I shared the “Destiny” card on here back in October because it made me think of past lives, and that had come up in the novel(s) I’m working on. The deck has differences from other Tarot decks in not only the Major Arcana, but in the numbered cards and the people. The authors say their choices are rooted in “Numerology, theories of karma, the Druidic mysteries, Quantum Physics, Natural Law, religious symbolism, Buddhist traditions, and mythologies and beliefs from around the world.” That’s a lot!

The deck’s creators also provide different spreads for how to lay out and read the cards. I haven’t ever done a reading with this deck for myself, another person, or characters. If the time becomes right, I know I will. However, I was very intrigued to find that this is yet another deck with a Muse card. Since the deck’s creators suggest that a reader allow each card to create a mental movie, I offer the Muse if you’d like to see what movie you visualize. (It’s not necessary to share your movie in the comments unless you’d like to.)

Right now, I have a strong desire to pop some corn and watch this movie. I’m almost positive characters will be involved.

3 thoughts on “Tarot Etc. Thursday No. 5”

  1. I try to keep an open mind on most things. I’m not religious as such, but I do believe that there is more to Heaven and Earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy.

    1. I used to follow a blogger whose blog was titled “Everything And Nothing.” Sometimes I think that’s how I lean–belief in everything and nothing. =)

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