Twilight Zone

I think the only reactions I had to my second vaccine were some soreness in the arm that got the shot and fatigue, but the fatigue could be from my weird sleep patterns of late. I’ve spent a lot of time asleep since the shot on Thursday, except I had labs drawn on Friday (routine; every three months; no big deal). Also, seasonal allergies have kicked in and may also be affecting my sleep. Yay.

I’ve been having a lot of strange dreams while I oversleep, with the usual casts of too many. It’s random nonsense, and when I wake up, I’m usually all, What? before I forget it all.

This is another of the posters I unrolled the other day. It’s from 1989, and I’m completely clueless how or where I got it. I never saw the Twilight Zone movie, though I’ve seen many of the original TV shows in syndication.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re trapped in an episode of “The Twilight Zone?” I read an article in the Atlantic Monthly about how the pandemic has been messing with our brains, making us forget things we used to do or wonder why we’re doing some things now. This is the link, but it could be behind a paywall; sorry if you can’t access it. The good news is, you’re not going crazy, your brain has prioritized what you think about. This is to help you cope with your new realities during the pandemic, and as your life changes–maybe returning to some old normals, or maybe welcoming some new normals–your brain will adapt again.

You’ll be all right; hang on.

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