6 thoughts on “WYR? No. 1”

    1. Not at all surprising. London’s familiar to you but enticingly exotic to me. If you were to move to the States, where do you think you’d want to live? (Absent a pandemic/COVID-19.)

  1. Given the numerous times I’ve been in London with family and friends, and given the issues they are having with BREXIT, and COVID (yes, a significant number of London still refuse to wear masks!), and given that I’ve never been in Rome, I would choose Paris.

    Your photographic evidence confuses me. The Beatles are a product of Liverpool, and I would choose my sunshine experiences in London over my experiences in Liverpool any day.

    OK, you can go visit Liverpool (eventually) from London.

    My Manchester visits have been better than my Liverpool visits both in number and in quality (except the Beatles museum in Liverpool), but I have no opinion on which is the better football team.

    1. Oh, I’d definitely visit Liverpool, especially homes or places mentioned in Beatles songs. I’d visit other places in England, too.

      But the Beatles are still synonymous with London for me because they lived and recorded there (I’d love to see Friar Park, which I think is not in either city)–and not just the Beatles, but all the British bands and singers/musicians I have so loved in my life. But there are also the many historical sites I’ve seen photos of and read about, royal homes, architecture. It would be all new and exciting to me.

      Nowhere is really fun to think of moving to, living in, or even visiting during these times. I’d like to see Rome and Paris. I’d love to see the Loire Valley, the Côte d’Azur, or Florence, Venice, and Tuscany. But to live in, I’d take London over them all.

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