Button Sunday

Tonight the incomparable Dame Maggie Smith returns to US televisions as the Dowager Countess of Grantham and reminds me that if I can’t have minions or house elves, shouldn’t I at least be allowed some footmen?

14 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

  1. I hope you enjoy the series (assuming you watch it?) My favourite Dowager dialogue from series 4:

    Isobel: You do so hate being wrong.
    Dowager: I wouldn’t know. I’m not used to the sensation.

      1. I think I misquoted terribly. The Dowager responds with something like:

        “I wouldn’t know; it’s not a sensation I am familiar with.”

        1. The sentiment remains the same. =)

          Haven’t been able to watch the two-hour opener yet; we recorded it. We’re still trying to catch up on all the shows we missed and recorded during the holidays.

  2. Whilst I love Maggie Smith, I do not get this Downton Abbey thing … and Mom is also addicted to Call The Midwife which is kinda gross with all the birthin’ and all … She has agreed to watch Flowers in the attic with me though

    1. I wouldn’t like “Call the Midwife,” though I’ve at least heard of it. I never read Flowers in the Attic so I doubt I’ll be watching the new version. Not my cup of tea–which Downton most definitely is.

      What a boring world it would be if all of us liked the same things.

      1. She saw the ad for it, and said “Didn’t you read that book in high school?” ( Actually middle school ) and she wants to watch it because of that … she has no idea of what she is in for. I chuckle with glee.

      2. I have never read Flowers in the Attic, nor seen Downton Abbey. I am waiting for it to come on streaming for Netflix. I will probably give the Lifetime movie of FitA a try, though. It looked interesting.

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