Legacy Writing 365:362

I uploaded this photo to my Flickr account in December of 2005, but I don’t remember if I ever put it on my blog (that being LiveJournal all those years ago). I believe the photo was taken when I was home from college for Christmas. The angel was on the back of the piano, I think, and because I loved her so much and she said “home” like nothing else, I put her on the floor next to me in front of the tree and asked for a photo.

Years later, Mother asked us kids to go through her Christmas decorations and take what we wanted. Of course, I wanted the angel, but she wasn’t there. I asked about her, and Mother said she wasn’t sure what had happened to her; she’d probably donated her with some other things to Goodwill. I was heartbroken.

Back in October, I posted a picture of my sister and me in a legacy writing post, and the angel was in that photo, too, but she was practically new then and in full feather. Debby was visiting along about that time, and on a whim, I opened Google and typed in “Christmas angel white feathers.” I saw an angel similar to ours in an Etsy shop. When I clicked on it, I realized there were actually two of the angels, and without hesitating, I bought them. I showed Debby and told her I’d keep one and would send her the other at Christmas.

But the more I thought about it, the more it nagged me that I wouldn’t have three angels, including one for my brother. So every couple of days I checked eBay and Etsy. I found others, but some didn’t have the right faces, or their wings had been modified, or their feathers were the wrong color. I missed out on a couple of them on eBay by forgetting to check my watch list. As it got closer to Christmas, I made a decision. Neither of the two angels had their song books, so I made songbooks for them. And I decided that I’d send one to David and one to Debby. I believed that in time, I’d find another one to give to myself.

I kept looking, though, because I thought it would be so cool to photograph three of them before I shipped them. And just as I was reaching the critical point for mailing packages, I did another Etsy search one morning and there she was. Bought, received, and put in a place of honor on the mantel overlooking Santa’s workshop.

And indeed, I was able to get a photo of this band of vintage Holt Howard angels.

Debby said her angel is molting, but she’s done a lot of traveling and needs a bit of glue to freshen up. Geri texted me a Christmas Day photo of the one who winged her way to David.

Wherever our family’s original angel ended up, I hope she still has the power to make someone feel at home at Christmas.

6 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:362”

  1. thats a lovely story…and I liked that you went questing on Etsy. I am an etsy addict… it’s where I get patterns now…

  2. Gotta love ebay and etsy (and good will and salvation army and….) for finding things you wouldn’t be able to find otherwise.

    1. Aw, thank you. I’m glad for all the Christmases we’ve been able to celebrate together, even at a distance. =)

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