30 Days of Creativity 2012: Day 11

Today’s theme from 30 Days of Creativity is “Orange.”

The Ram directs a scene from the movie A Clockwork Orange.

I personally never watched more than the first bit of this movie because it disturbed me so much. I suppose that was the point.

Other Day 11 creations can be seen here.

Thanks to Tom for helping me add a touch of steam punk to Ghoulia’s eye and to Starbucks for her cane.

9 thoughts on “30 Days of Creativity 2012: Day 11”

    1. Don’t they use that rhyming slang? I can never get that, either. I think you have to be English, Irish, or Australian.

      1. They spoke a language called Nadsat which was invented by Anthony Burgess the author of the original book. It was a combination of Russian, Cockney rhyming slang and nonsense words much like Lewis Carroll’s brillig, slothy toves, gyre and gimbol. While I watched the movie twice, (fantastic score) I barely got through the book once.

  1. I didn’t see what the big deal about Clockwork Orange was. I can see where it may have been a bit shocking when it was released, but it doesn’t seem any worse than stuff that’s on tv now. I guess that what hype does?

    1. At least in my case, it’s because I watch very little of anything that has scenes of brutal violence, including rape. Particularly when it’s very graphic, I’m done with it. Same with anything featuring evil occult happenings or too much suspense. There’s no judgment there about people who can and do watch those movies and shows–I just can’t let go of stuff, and I have enough battles with insomnia as it is.

  2. I read “A Clockwork Orange” when I was a teenager in the 1970’s and it was pretty heady stuff. I loved the book and then I loved the movie when it came out. Yes, it was violent and graphic, but it had to be to make its point and I loved and still love the art direction in the movie, it was perfect for the story.

    1. I never attempted the book. I’m not even sure at what age I tried to watch the movie. I just remember it was too disturbing for me. I’m a weenie!

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