Legacy Writing 365:22

When Lynne and I were just into our teens, her cousin, who I’ll call NC, was shooting an 8 mm movie. I don’t remember all the details, but I believe I was a vampire (see? it started early), and it ended with Lynne’s sister Liz running into the night. Some ten or more years later, NC shot another movie, a sequel to that first one, and this one began with Liz running toward the camera. During the intervening years, she’d lost quite a bit of weight–makes sense if someone’s been running for ten years, right?

I’d gotten a movie camera in college–a Super 8. It didn’t have sound, and movies had to be sent away for developing. After I graduated and moved back to our little town, making movies was a way to have harmless fun on the weekends. It was a more innocent age, when everybody and her/his boyfriend didn’t make sex tapes. I can’t imagine having access to all of today’s technology, when practically every digital camera and phone have video capability. I can only say that what we did create, wholesome though it was, is better left in the vault, including a little gem titled “Friday Afternoon Virus.” Though there were several of us playing muppet characters in a Muppets/Saturday Night Fever mashup, only two of us were breakout stars. Our friend Cathy, who was a great Kermit in a white disco suit, and Lynne, who was a sensational Miss Piggy. That’s why she ended up with the button featured in Button Sunday.

I regret that I’m failing you, because I have no photos of this event. It’s possible Lynne does, but that doesn’t mean she’ll share them. Unless maybe I ORDER HER TO. Because that night is when it became clear that my personality best lends itself to the role of director. When Fozzie Bear accidentally knocked over a glass that shattered on our dance floor, I yelled, “Keep moving! The film is rolling!” And everyone stayed in character.


4 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:22”

    1. You know when a post quotes Mommie Dearest and a comment quotes Valley of the Dolls, there’s some melodrama going on!

  1. what epic films we could now make!!! with even better special effects than our burning plane! and sound… but there is something to be said about the “ACTING” and its conveyance of the moments… No? oh well, we had fun.

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