
It’s been a while since the table looked like this on Craft Night. Lindsey was Bedazzling a Shake Weight for use as an honorary “reward” for a group in Rhonda’s office. (Apparently one becomes temporary owner of the Shake Weight of Shame after a screw-up.)

Here it is in an unfinished but still glam state:

Meanwhile, I’m working on a new series of paintings that will hang at Té House of Tea during the month of May. More on that as it develops. =) In between bouts of painting and cooking and gym going and other things, I’m weeping copious amounts of tears over “Brothers and Sisters” on Netflix. I love family drama with a good ensemble cast. I’m in Season 2 now.

12 thoughts on “Random”

  1. Oooh! A second show at Té House of Tea! That’s awesome, Becky! Can’t wait to hear more about it!

    Love the pic of your crafty table. Starbucks, paintbrushes and a glue gun = Happy Times.

    (PS – Did you know that Betty Buckley was originally cast as “Nora” on Brothers and Sisters?)

    1. I saw that (about Betty Buckley)–and that the actor who played opposite Calista Flockhart in The Bird Cage was her original love interest? I can’t imagine the show without Sally Field. Love her.

      Thanks for the congrats on the art show. I’m VERY excited!

      All Craft Night needed was you…and hand puppets.

  2. The Shake Weight of Shame! Those infomercials are so suggestive. And how are you just now watching Brothers & Sisters? I can’t imagine anyone else but Sally Field as Nora either.

    1. I almost never watch anything on TV. The computer is my entertainment; the TV is Tom’s domain. He watches all the Sci Fi stuff, sports, and animated shows and other things in which I have no interest.

      Plus I have no patience with the way TV does seasons now. You know, two or three new shows, then a bunch of repeats, then two or three new shows. I lose interest. Netflix gives me the chance to watch whole seasons of a show on my timetable. I did that with “The Office” first and loved it–until I got up to the current season. I tried watching on NBC, because I was so hooked, but they only show a new episode every once in a while, so now I don’t care as much.

      Probably the best thing for me is to wait until a series is over before I start it. That’s basically what happened with “Sex and the City” a few years ago. Tim had all but the last season on DVD or tape, and we timed them to watch on the weekends, a few episodes at a time, finishing at just the point where HBO did a marathon of the entire final season, which we taped.

      Finally, when I worked outside my home, there was a reason for being current in my TV viewing: water cooler talk. But I don’t have coworkers anymore. Though Tim and I are watching all the past seasons of “30 Rock” together.

      Eventually, I’ll probably Netflix “The Sopranos,” “Mad Men,” and some series suggested by Marika.

        1. Sometimes no commercials can be hard! I have to remind myself that it’s okay to pause the damn thing so I can use the bathroom or get more water or let the dogs out, etc.

  3. I have loved B&S from the beginning. Betty Buckley will always be Abby from 8 is Enough. I can’t imagineanother Nora.

    I am doing the same thing with Mad Men on Netflix. I just wish it was a “watch instantly” instead of only on disc.

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