Magnetic Poetry 365:22

I usually work on these poems in the middle of the night, and Tom usually reads them when he’s feeding the dogs in the morning. He said this one made him feel like he needs to defend his gender. I don’t blame him. Then I wondered if people will think I’m writing about my life, which makes me feel I need to issue a disclaimer: Words randomly pulled from the Magnetic Poetry box and shaped into a poem have a narrator, as does any story, and the narrator and author are not necessarily the same person. I think most people know this, but then I read comments on other writers’ articles and blogs and I remember that reading comprehension is not innate.

Sort of related: Recently, someone wondered to me how much in my novels comes from my own experiences. Who can say? I read an article on memory the other day that explains why all memoirs are actually fiction, so fiction is certainly even more what I’ve always called it–fictitious. The same goes for poems.

IMAGINATION. That’s what makes writing fun for me. My brain has always had a disease I call “characters,” and this is why dolls were fun for me as a kid and remain fun for me today. Every doll has a story, and none of those stories are my story. I couldn’t possibly stand on my tiptoes forever.

4 thoughts on “Magnetic Poetry 365:22”

  1. Remember when I said that the other poem was my favorite – well I was wrong, I like this one, which might make me seem like a man hater – but I’m not, it just reminds me of something personal. i like the narrator of this poem … and I like the author too

    1. Thank you, on both counts. Hopefully throughout the rest of the year, you’ll get new favorites. Or you’ll be all, ISN’T 2011 OVER YET?

      Could be worse. Next year I might decide to take a photo of a different rock every day.

      Hey, wait. I like rocks…

  2. Poetic Naration

    I feel I must say that the drunken fool is not someone I’ll find in my bed. ~snap~

    (Did all of those words come out in one handfull from the box or did the Narrator need to pick a few extras?)

    1. Re: Poetic Naration

      Nope, they were in the bunch I picked up. Sometimes I’ll throw some words back because there are way too many, but except in one case where I went digging for a word a week or so ago, so far I’ve worked with what I pulled. There are lots of poems I start then have to scrap because the words I need are just not there. This finished poem, in fact, is the fourth of my attempts with these words. It took FORever.

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