Yay for a sense of humor

Jon Stewart, how I must love you. In spite of this headache and its gift of aura (a word that sounds better than the reality: flashing lights that impair vision and leave a person nauseated and disoriented), and even though my limited Internet time over the past few days has been devoted to watching The Office (and season five just ended on a high note, making me long to start season six!), I watched your “Rally to Restore Sanity” on a live feed.

Plenty of high points: witty/funny homemade signs and T-shirts in the crowd, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar–who, by the way, is also a chronic migraine sufferer–dwarfing everyone else on stage (literally a high point!), a guest appearance by R2-D2, good music, sartorial satirist Stephen Colbert, and the sane keynote address from Jon himself. Probably the sound bite most people will hear from his speech: When we amplify everything, we hear nothing.


Sort of related: To show that I also have a sense of humor about myself, and maybe to give Marika a chance to show that WE CAN ALL BE CIVIL NO MATTER WHAT*, I decided to post this autographed photo I stumbled across last night when I was looking for something else.

Signed by Rod Morgenstein, Reb Beach, and Kip Winger when I met them in 1993.

I wonder why Jon Stewart didn’t get Winger to perform at “The Rally to Restore Sanity?”

*Nephews: This also applies to you if you see this on Facebook.

7 thoughts on “Yay for a sense of humor”

      1. THANK YOU … because I love that cheer … I love to say it, and believe it or not, one does not get a big opportunity to use it … I’m refreshing the facebook while we speak, because I’m going to say it there too!

  1. migraines and teeth removals

    I hope your migraine has gotten better. I’ve been spending the past few days recovering from having the last of my wisdom teeth removed (the last one was must uncooperative, defiant to the last, the only tooth in my mouth that’s like ‘/’ instead of ‘|’). The pain medicine made me really really dizzy and sleepy. So, now I’m on lots of Ibuprofen until the jaw pain goes away in a week or two.

    I didn’t do a lot of winger; I was more Metalica, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Queen, Culture Club, Cure, the occasional jazz band, Moody Blues, Frankie Goes to Holliwood, Weather Girls and of course pet shop boys… and so on, and so on, but Winger seemed to have slipped by me.

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