Another Tax Day

Keeping a personal tradition alive, I made my yearly trip to the downtown post office between eleven and midnight on tax day. Things were running much more efficiently than last year. I couldn’t get a REALLY good shot inside the packed post office before being told I couldn’t take pictures. Me and my camera: still antagonizing security guards wherever we go.

My current (April) banner photo was from a shot I took on April 15 last year. Here are a few of this year’s photos.

Because of long lines inside the post office, many people were first driving to other stations to use automated stamp machines to buy postage. Then they had to deal with long lines of traffic to get back.

There were at least two drive-by spots for people with already-stamped envelopes to drop off their returns to be postmarked by post office employees set up to assist them, and lots of cops directing foot and motor traffic.

But even with all that organization, there was still a long line of people inside the post office. This shot was taken at 11:42. Hope their envelopes made it before midnight!

14 thoughts on “Another Tax Day”

  1. I get that people don’t want to give the government their money until they absolutely have to, but even just sending it in on the 14th would save SO much hassle!

    Our taxes are due on Apr 30th, and I don’t recall any madness even approaching the scale seen in the US.

    1. As I explained in another comment, last-minute filers often don’t even owe more taxes. For whatever reason, they’ve just put off filing until the last possible moment.

      I’ve been observing this since the first time I accidentally saw a post office full of people near midnight on April 15 around thirty years ago. Usually, most of the people I talk to or see have a sense of humor about it all. Strangers end up talking and joking to one another about their procrastination.

      It can be kind of fun except for the people who are REALLY stressed out. Them I avoid.

  2. Becky, is this the only day you are allowed to lodge tax returns or does everyone just leave it to the last minute? (I can’t believe the lines of people and cars at that time of the night!)

    1. We can file our taxes any time–the forms we need from employers, other income sources, financial institutions, etc., are supposed to be mailed to us on or before January 31. Individuals with more complicated tax situations can file quarterly tax returns or can file extensions for later than April 15.

      Unless you’ve filed an extension, your postage must be “cancelled” before midnight on April 15. Not everyone who files at the last minute even has to pay more income tax; I’m sure many are getting refunds. It just seems to be one of those things people dread doing, so they put off until the last possible day.

    1. I can say that over all the years I’ve gone to the post office on tax day, the group of last-minute payers is quite diverse. There can be no finger-pointing by anyone except tax services and accountants, who try to warn us not to procrastinate.

  3. Tax Eve

    I wish Tax Eve was just as entertaining around here; I guess now you have to steal your photo opportunities in spy mode, if you’re not allowed to get them in the clear ;).

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