Still working on that organization thing

He’s gay; I’m straight. He’s dead; I’m alive.

Sound like the beginning of another vampire book?

Not really. After being on a break, I’m ready to resume my relationship with Marcel Proust. To that end, I’ve finally finished Swann’s Way in Volume I of Remembrance of Things Past, and I’m moving on to Within a Budding Grove.

I suspect the reason I kept putting this off is because I thought so much time had passed since I started reading Proust that I’d need to go back to the beginning. The whole thing seemed daunting.

Then Linda published a meme/list called “101 in 1001.” These are 101 things she plans to do in 1001 days–that’s about what, 2.75 years? At first I thought it was 101 things in a year, and I was all, Good grief; how’s she going to do all that? The timeline finally penetrated my numb-to-numbers brain, and I thought such a list might help me with one of my biggest challenges: time management. I can manage my time, but there are always so many things to do that I get distracted. Maybe a bigger-picture list will help me refocus after daily distractions and duties.

Possibly first up is to actually complete the list of 101 things. I’m not sure what number I’m up to, but maybe I’ll publish it when I reach the magic number. And then I’ll start ticking things off, because I’ve already been working on some of them (even before I decided to create a list). There’s the added benefit that as things get done–those things that can be done–I’ll feel some sense of accomplishment or completion. Anyway, it’s all worth a try, and since Proust fell from the shelf onto the list (not literally), I started reading him again, and I’m enjoying the reading and the sense of making progress on this first of three volumes.

Many years ago, I bought a sewing machine cabinet (sans machine) that was the ideal stand for our TV, because it took up little space and hid the VCR, DVD player, tapes, DVDs, whatever. Then, when I got the larger TV for Tom a couple of years ago on our anniversary, I moved that sewing cabinet into my office, where it became a home for my printer and whatever I could cram inside it.

I recently found exactly the filing cabinet I wanted to take its place, so the sewing cabinet became–a sewing cabinet! Something I never thought I’d need. But when I was working on my most recent PR design, it was heavenly to do it in one area with all my supplies at hand and room to cut, and fit, and sew. Organizing that room is still in progress (and is also on my list!), but I’m getting there.

That’s my old PC and my Kodak digital on the work table. The Nikon is generally wherever I am, and the new PC is in my office, which is also an area in transition (so no photos yet). I’m hoping that setting up different and specific work spaces for my sewing, painting, and writing/editing will also help me stay focused. Right now, it’s a happy theory!

One thing that probably won’t change: no matter what room I’m in, I’ll never rush to deal with those pesky phones. I’d have to believe phone aversion is a flaw before I could change it. Not likely.

20 thoughts on “Still working on that organization thing”

  1. One of my goals is to have a work space like that! I have a table and a tv tray… so I drooled a little on your pic. and the list … great idea… I don’t think I could think of that many things though

    1. You can’t steal it because it’s given freely. I didn’t invent it, either. 🙂

      I think the idea bounces from person to person and the ones that it makes smile do it. It’s giving me more joy than I imagined.

  2. My Kodak is sitting on my desk, too. I haven’t touched it in ages (my Nikons are to blame for that), but I can’t bring myself to part with it either. It was my first digital camera. We had a lot of fun together.

    1. Ditto. I’ll always remember that my first real photo with the Kodak was a group effort: my staging of Timothy lying on the floor in his underwear among bags of BBQ Fritos (like Bette Midler among roses) while Tom climbed on the chair with the Kodak to get the camera angle I wanted.

      Good times!

  3. Oooh, I can’t wait to see it all done in person. Perhaps it will motivate me to finally get the guest room all cleaned out (again). It’s funny how OCD I am, yet still a bit of a clutter bug when it comes to the art supplies, etc.

    1. I can’t get it as clean as I want until the rest of the doll stuff goes into storage, which won’t be until after this season of PR ends.

      But I’m partly there.

  4. I’m ready to resume my relationship with Marcel Proust

    I thought I was ready to resume my relationship with Marcel Marceau. It just couldn’t work. He’s too quiet, kept trying to tie me up with an imaginary rope, and he kept smearing all that creepy makeup on my pillows.

  5. That is a good idea, Becky. I could use some organizing encouragement, maybe timed with Spring cleaning.

    Your workspace looks very neat. I am in awe.

  6. I have to admit I’ve never tried Proust – perhaps this might be the time to dip into it. I’m always glad to read recommendations.

    Your room is so tidy !!

    1. The tidy part is what I’m showing you! It still needs plenty of work.

      I like the Proust–but it is definitely dense with all those wonderful things that make writing literary–so certainly is never going to be called a “fast read!”

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