Hump Day Happy–Early Edition

I was sitting on the front porch Tuesday afternoon after I dropped all the rose petals into the flower bed. I was thinking about John Lennon and Riley and their eternal connection in my heart while I sang to the dogs. The dogs LOVE it when I do this; in their excitement, they run to distant corners of The Compound, probably hoping I’ll sing even more loudly so the world can share in the thrill of it all.

I wasn’t singing a John Lennon or even a Beatles song, but one of my favorite Neil Young songs, “Birds.” I was sad, and it occurred to me how one of Riley’s gifts was that no matter how crazy awful our lives were (and 1980 delivered a ton of crazy awful), he could always make me laugh. As I sang, I remembered Riley telling me a story about a day he was sitting on his front porch, singing and playing his guitar. He was working on a song of his called “I Saw the Light” about the rotten luck of his alter ego, the Mysterious Vagabond Poet. Each time the MVP thought his life was taking a turn for the better, another awful thing would happen. And as Riley sang, he suddenly realized that across the street, his neighbors were sitting on their front porch and laughing their butts off. That’s when he knew he’d accomplished what he wanted to with the lyrics: He’d taken all the crazy awful and made it funny. He came to my house a couple of days later to make sure the song would get the same reaction from me. Remembering how I laughed back then gave me a much welcomed lift.

An hour or so later, I went to the post office, where I picked up two packages. The first was from Cari. She’d wanted to buy one of my One Word Art paintings some time back, but instead, I asked her to trade me for something she created (I’d seen some of the gifts she made for others and wanted one for myself!). There’d been a hold-up with the delivery, so I knew she’d be relieved that the package had finally arrived.

Cari, maybe the reason for the delay is because this couldn’t have shown up on a better day:

It’s a lesson I learned from my family, so it’s no surprise that Riley and I always found a way to make it work for us, too.

When a second season of LJ’s Runway Monday was in the planning stages, Cari wanted to participate. She even got a doll: a Mattel My Melody Barbie. Unfortunately, circumstances kept Cari from being able to design, so included in today’s package was her doll as a gift for me!

I hadn’t planned to sew anything else before January, but hey, a NEW DOLL? I decided to name her Cari (of course!) and create a new outfit for her so I could photograph her in it as a thank-you for Cari’s generosity.

Meet Cari wearing her new dress. She has the Model Muse body and the Steffie face mold.

But remember: There was a SECOND package at the post office. It was from Marika, and I assumed it was Christmas presents for The Compound. I didn’t open it immediately because I figured whatever was inside it couldn’t be seen until December 25.

However, when I e-mailed Marika to let her know the package was here, she said I should open something inside it NOW.

Princess paper! Perfect! Wait. Is this math? MATH IS HARD!

And then I giggled and giggled.

He looks MUCH taller on TV! Model Cari and my new Bobblehead Tim Gunn will be delighted to find YOU something to be happy about from this book if you comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25. As for me, I not only had all those fantastic years with my funny, crazy, talented, loving friend Riley, my life continues to be full of people who remind me of everything good about friendship and life and creativity. A big thank-you to all of you. And Cari and Marika, Riley would approve of the way you made his friend feel on December 8.

43 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy–Early Edition”

    1. Does this work? From the book, you get “traveling toothbrushes” and Dash gets “burying yourself in a pile of magazines you seldom have time for.”

              1. but isn’t it strange that my regular toothbrushes were the ones traveling, and my traveling toothie was happy and at home?

                Dash has been reading Bark, Urban Dog, and Real Simple,

  1. 522, 9 please.

    Talking about not opening packages until the 25th – Chris SO cannot be trusted! Hence, he gets his grubby mitts on nothing until Christmas morning…

    1. I couldn’t be trusted as a child, and now I just WISH I could have some surprises under the tree. =)

      From the book, you get “picnic buns.”

  2. You are so sweet….


    I am so glad that you received your parcel and that you like your items. I am also glad for the timing of their arrival. Your relaying of events is an excellent reminder for me to not stress out or be upset when things don’t occur/unfold as they are “supposed” to happen. Things will unfold as they are supposed to. I suspect that you are right– There had been a delay in delivery because you were due to receive your parcels, together, on the eighth. I am glad, also, that Riley would approve. You are such a dear friend.

    I love that you named your new doll Cari, that she has all of your dolls (and, now, Tim Gunn!) as company–AND that you made her a beautiful new outfit, already. She looks wonderful. That outfit (and those boots) are perfect.

    Your post is filled with such happiness that I am filled with happy, warm-fuzzies.

    I’m so glad that everything arrived!


    1. I think Cari’s hair is amazing. I’m looking forward to dressing her in something from PR’s next season. Thank you again–right now, the sun is shining on my sparkly art.

    1. Re: Art! It works!

      And your eightastic answer is “getting warm by a fire or in his arms with something to eat or drink after you’ve been in the rain or snow.”

      1. Re: Art! It works!

        On a day like this (rain, threat of frezzing rain this morning if people don’t start paying tribute to Tim Gunn) this one is just what I need. =)->-&lt

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