Happy Thanksgiving

Here’s a bonus button. This one is from Lynne’s collection, but I think I may have one like it deeply buried in my container o’ buttons.

I chose this button even though I’m not a big fan of pies (sorry, Agent Cooper) because Wednesday provided a spontaneous pie night with friends. On a whim, Tom called The Brides to see if their tight schedule allowed for dinner, and it did, as long as Lindsey could later use my kitchen for baking. So we had a raucous evening with Tom, Tim, Rhonda, Lindsey, me, Margot, Guinness, Rex, Pixie, Sugar, and Puddles–the puppy also known as Pixie’s Mini Me.

Later, while I sewed, the house filled with the aroma of baking. Lindsey was making pies in a jar, which involved a lot of cutting apples into cubes and some apple-cube eating (The bowl was right in front of me! I couldn’t help myself! There were plenty!). There were also a couple of side trips to the grocery store and Starbucks in there. And when Lindsey finally filled all the jars, there were enough apple cubes left over (SEE?) to fill a couple of ramekins. One of which is still in my kitchen, looking adorably edible.

More Thankgivingy stuff to come, but for now, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone who celebrates it, and for those who don’t, just know I’m thankful that you’re part of my life.

10 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving”

    1. Lynne accidentally cooked the pumpkin pie too long so it went in the trash. After dinner, while I was sewing, Tom and Jess were watching the Texas/Texas A&M game, and Laura was tending to Lila, Lynne baked homemade chocolate chip cookies. I like those MUCH better than pie!

      1. I did some sugar cookies(not homemade unfortunately), frosted about half of them with cream cheese frosting and then topped each one(frosted & unfrosted)with a Hershey’s Pumpkin Spice Kiss for the potluck at the store today.

  1. I had Pie in a Jar 3 days in a row… so totally pied out. But my family went ape shit over them and I had a blast baking them at your house. 🙂 Thanksgiving should be once a month or something…

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