Happy Pride!

I fought a migraine all day Saturday, hoping to be rid of it in time to walk to Westheimer for Houston’s nighttime Pride parade. Sadly, the headache didn’t go away, and I thought the heat probably would intensify it, so I had to miss the festivities.

However, Tom and Tim went, and Tim took the Nikon. I have tons of photos to enjoy–I almost feel like I was there! Thanks, Tim.

First up, guess who was at the front of the parade? The Montrose Motorcycle Riding Club, that’s who. Which means you get to see:

Hot Brides on bike! Hey, Rhonda and Lindsey!
That little kid behind y’all is making the Lindsey face!

I did ask Tom to continue a tradition of mine. You may remember these photos:

Tim at Pride 2007 and Tim at Pride 2008

I hoped for something similar, and Tom delivered! Thanks, Tom. And thanks, Tim, for humoring me. =)

And finally, the guys brought home the beads, which made the Top Models rip off their Designs by Becks and party:

But it’s not all crazy fun and games with the models. They want to remind everyone to play safe:

Tamala, Tanya, Meggie, Rita, Abby, Faizah, Lacy, Kikki, Rocky, Barbie, Summer, and Jessica

Hope you’re all having a great Pride weekend. Rhonda, Tim, and I learned that one of our old chat room buddies passed away on Saturday. I know she’s at that great Pride party in the hereafter, celebrating up a storm. RIP, But(c)h; you were one of a kind and will be missed.

14 thoughts on “Happy Pride!”

    1. You’re welcome! Technically, only the first photo is from Timothy. However, once the headache goes away and I can look through his other 260 photos, I’ll post a Houston Pride group on Flickr.

  1. Ha! Awesome! I’m so glad Tim got that shot. I would have missed seeing the boys if Rhonda hadn’t turned around and shouted, “Tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmm!!!”

  2. There’s nothing quite like the Lindsey Face on a moving motorcycle. Awesome!

    Meestair Teem has been going to the gym…

    And the dolls–goodness! I didn’t realize you were doing a “Barbies Gone Wild” video shoot!

  3. Well, we edged 100° yesterday with a cold from moving in from the Dakotas. Storm finally hit around midnight with thunder booming overhead into the wee hours. Mlle Renee does not do overhead thunder well. The day dawned bright, sunny and cool. A perfect Pride Parade day! Unfortunately, my head was booming with a sinus headache. So I went back to bed and passed on the parade. And I didn’t have anyone to take pictures for me. Well, there’s always next year.

  4. So glad I saw Tim in time! It was great seeing both of the boys.

    About the latest photo of Tim: It cracked me up. Is it sad that, based on only that window, I can name that tattoo studio?

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