Some of you may remember Sniper Kitty from a few months ago. I hadn’t realized he was part of Compound Security, protecting the property from the Tim Stalkers, until Tim explained it.
Tim and Rexford are spending a few days at Green Acres, and somebody’s treating their absence like a big vacation.
Trust me, that was no cat nap. He slept there for hours, leaving only when I finally had to let the dogs out. (Sorry to say, they aren’t cat fans.) I probably need to start paying Sniper Kitty in water, just to be on the safe side.
With a couple of ice cubes, please.
That exactly how Black used to lay around. LOL
Sniper Kitty
Ahhhh!!! I’m jealous that you have such an adorable security cat. I think a bowl of water would be a decent pay for the feline.
I won’t leave the comment that’s in my head… it’s a horrible earworm, and I like you too much. : )
You know…it doesn’t matter. Because just saying there was a horrible earworm put a horrible earworm in my head. No idea if it’s the same song, but I dare not say, lest I put a different horrible earworm in your head.
Let’s agree to meet here in a month and see if it was the same song. If we dare… : )