Tuesday rambling

I know Tuesday is over in my time zone, but this was my planned Tuesday post so you get what you get.

First, what happened to TJL’s Tuesdays With Rexford? After MGH scared me with a photo of that Killer Beast everyone calls “Joey” in some attempt to make him seem harmless, I think I deserved a Rex photo. Though I’ll bet Tim wouldn’t have told you that Rex has salmon skin breath.

Second, “they” say change is good. I decided to test that theory. When I got up Tuesday morning, I did what everyone with a bladder that’s turned 35 a few times does. As I struggled with the toilet paper in my half-awake state, I finally figured out that it was a new roll and had to be pulled apart, but Tom had put it on UNDER instead of OVER. “This is JUST WRONG,” I muttered. Then I thought that I should learn to be more flexible, so I left it as it was. All day long, it made me twitch to know the toilet paper was under. Finally, Tuesday night, I bragged to Tom that I’d stayed strong. The toilet paper was still hanging under. Whereupon he said, “Then I’M changing it. I didn’t know I put it on that way, and it’s JUST WRONG.” This is why marriages endure.

Also Tuesday, I exchanged several e-mails with Tom’s mother. She was sharing details of a trip she’s taking soon, and she mentioned that her parents are partially paying for this vacation. Since her father died in 1963 and her mother died in 1981, naturally I was all, ¿por qué (it was Cinco de Mayo, after all). As it turns out, a relative told her that her name was on a “missing money” list in her home state. It seems her parents had those old nickel-a-month insurance policies to benefit each of their kids if the parents died, and after all these years, Tom’s mother claimed her money and got a check. How cool is that?

On a whim, I entered my name into the national missing money data base and got nothing. Tom, on the other hand, will be getting a check for almost TWENTY DOLLARS that a business apparently overcharged him in the past. He said he’ll use this windfall to see the new Star Trek movie. It’ll take every penny, as I found out the last time I treated myself to a movie (Confessions of a Shopaholic–cute; love the books, but should’ve waited for the DVD. But I was hot that night and needed a diversion in a cool theater). Date night must really hit the wallets of teenagers’ parents. Yikes!

Finally, I leave you with this list I found called “Bad Songs By Good Bands.” Feel free to comment with outrage or applause.

20. “Rapture,” Blondie
19. “Who Are You?” The Who
18. “Stand,” R.E.M.
17. “November Rain,” Guns N’ Roses
16. “Beverly Hills,” Weezer
15. “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing,” Aerosmith
14. “Just Can’t Get Enough,” Depeche Mode
13. “Rape Me,” Nirvana
12. “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” Paul Simon
11. “Bullet With Butterfly Wings,” Smashing Pumpkins
10. “Roses,” Outkast
9. “I’ll Be You,” The Replacements
8. “Beth,” Kiss
7. “Brass Monkey,” Beastie Boys
6. “Discotheque,” U2
5. “Dancing in the Dark,” Bruce Springsteen
4. “American Life,” Madonna
3. “Kokomo,” Beach Boys
2. “Radio Ga Ga,” Queen
1. “Should I Stay or Should I Go,” The Clash

12 thoughts on “Tuesday rambling”

  1. bog rolls

    According to Ann Landers, just before she died, she put right to the bog roll argument:

    1) It does not matter which way the roll goes
    2) The exception to (1) is if there is any pattern, then it shall always dispense over, not under, to display the pattern correctly with the decor of your toilet.

    < / paraphrase >

    But I always insist on it being over over under anyway.

  2. toilet paper direction was never a concern of mine, but it is with jen. she says it goes over.

    so now i remember to do it that way because jen is so over the top. haha

    1. Over over over over

      Over can be the ONLY correct way. Why would someone want to fumble reaching for the wall to grab the paper? It makes no sense- especially in the dark. In matters of TP it should be ease and comfort that prove the correct answer.

      Now that the new TP holder is vertical- I still go with what would be the “over” position, though under would possibly be slightly more functional in that it would be a rolls distance closer to the toilet. But I’ve been an over person for more than 30 years of TP use. I just can’t change it now.

  3. Tuesdays with Rexford is the best part of Tuesdays! Those posts of Tim’s and your Hump Day Happy posts guarantee that I’m aware of what day it is at least two times per week!

    And no. I don’t sit and refresh my Friends list on Wednesdays (after noting that Tuesday is Tuesday due to Tim’s TwR post) waiting for your HDH posts. That would be silly…

    Oh, wait.
    I do refresh and watch for your post.
    A little bit.

    Tom’s windfall:

    As my grandmother used to say –

    *insert $ amount here* received is better than owing *insert same $ amount here*!

    Hmm. My teenager has to pay for his date night outings with his own money.

    I’m a mean mom…

    And, finally –

    I actually like songs 3,8 and 15…


    I can now go back to my refreshing. And looking at Barbies on Amazon…

    Oh, yeah. That’s your fault, too!

  4. Yes, I know it should go OVER, but I always insert in under. Why? To save TP! (No, hanging it under does not discourage visitors from over-indulging.) I do it to discourage a certain Mlle. Renee from running out the entire roll.

  5. It seems like every time Dale actually ventures to put the roll on the dispenser (rather than, say, sitting it on top), he ends up putting it UNDER. Which is of course the exact opposite of the way it should be. I have to agree with others who said they couldn’t ever go a whole day with it under. I can leave it for one visit, but the next time in I have to rip it off the wall & correct it…

    And I actually like a number of those songs, although some may be because of the “nostalgia of youth”.

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