Hump Day Happy


Ayuh, it’s a moose, all right. Because a moose reminds me of Maine.
Today, Maine has struck a blow for equal rights and made me a happy person. 

If you want to be happy but can’t move to Maine right now, just comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, and Mr. Moose will find you something from this book to be happy about.

48 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy”

      1. “…little guessing the small Colonial village you’ve opted to spend the night in has a “special ritual” it likes to perform on uppity cityfolk who stray into their little grassy fire-lit corner of the wood.”

    1. “thinking of the day, of your home, of your family, of things past, of things to come”

      That’s what the book says, and it sounds good. Still, I add, “Candy!”

  1. Alas, I need happy bad! Even Iowa is letting gays get married, but the dumb Mazoorah legislators keep thumping their bibles shouting NO! NEVER! NO! GOD’S WAY IS NOT GAY — PROTECT MARRIAGE and divorce that goes with it!
    I do believe that one of the qualifications for getting elected to any office in Missouri should be being able to pronounce the name of the state correctly.

    If you would Page 5 – Item 6

    Thank you – love and hugs

    Mlle Renee does not get a pick today. She dug a hole in the yard and I’ve only been able to find half the dirt to refill it.

    1. Mlle Renee is paying you back for your toilet paper hanging ways.

      One day, your state will embrace legal fairness. Meanwhile, you’ll always have:

      “English-style breakfasts and dinners in a riverside dining room”

    1. “a sympathetic ear”

      (Don’t come wailing to me with your scary ghost tales from Myrtles, missy. I don’t want to see dead people!)

      1. “so there were were, Lisa and I were in our pj’s when we heard something on the porch, it was a little sound – but it made chills run down my spine. We opened the door, I gasped, slowly inching it’s self toward us, was a bloody sympathetic ear!”

    1. And Mr. Moose finds:

      “easy-to-read clocks”

      Which reminds me of something. A few weeks ago, we were at our friend Lynne’s home, when Tom noticed that on her kitchen clock, which marks hours with Roman numerals, 4 was IIII instead of IV. We all thought it was odd, but then I looked it up, and it’s actually commonplace. I think it’s weird that I’ve celebrated my thirty-fifth (or XXV) year so many times and never realized that.

        1. If you can get away with 29, claim it! But 35 and holding works well, too. I picked 35 because I liked that year of my life. It’s been absurd for me to use it for years now, but I can’t seem to move on to a higher number.

          1. Well then I think I will stick with 29 because most folks don’t believe me when I say I’m 35. And I was diagnosed with cancer right before my 35th birthday, so 29 it is!!

    1. And the thermometer says:

      “finding lyrics on the Internet”

      And isn’t that the TRUTH? Do you remember the old days when the inability to find out a lyric could drive you NUTS? I used to call radio stations and beg DJs for that stuff. Now there are no DJs or if there are, they’d probably mock me when I called.

  2. It’s so odd, but when our government enacted our version of this, it was Federal, so it just happened, whoosh, cross the board. I loved it, got ready to propose, etc etc, but watching this state-by-state thing?

    Strangely more exciting.

    I’ll take 543-21 please. 🙂

    1. I always wonder, when people predict cataclysmic consequences, why they don’t look at places like Canada and other countries and see how ridiculous that is.

      From the book:

      “sounds echoing in the cold: a barking dog, a slamming storm door”

      1. I always wonder, when people predict cataclysmic consequences, why they don’t look at places like Canada and other countries and see how ridiculous that is.

        SIlly Becks. Because to those morons, no other country exists. And when they do begrudgingly admit the existence of another country, by extension obviously that country is “inferior” and what goes on there of no consequence.

    1. I’m not sure “portable drafting tables” is going to make you swirl with happiness, so I’m adding to that one “pedal boating in Bermuda” and “a self-indulgent lunch all by yourself in a grand restaurant with a marvelous book.”

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