Of sneakers and birthdays

Every human at The Compound has been in need of new sneakers (which is what I call tennis shoes and some of you call trainers) for a while. As longtime readers know, Timothy and I don’t like to leave The Compound, much less go OUTSIDE THE LOOP. On Saturday, Tom bravely did reconnaissance for us at one of the outlet malls, where The Brides and Lynne had told us we could find an amazing NIKE store and a CONVERSE store, among other retailers.

Tom’s mission was a success (he’s actually a New Balance guy, but whatever), so on Monday, Timothy and I ventured not only outside the Loop, but beyond the Beltway, and met with equal success. Here’s what I got, among other things:

I never don’t get all-leather tennis shoes, but these are comfortable, so I was willing to give them a chance.

By the time we left, Tim also had several shopping bags. I feel we did our part for April’s retail economy. Because no good deed goes unpunished, we were later pummeled by rain walking between the gym and the car. Cold rain blowing sideways. I thought we were finished with rain by late Monday night, but apparently I was wrong, as a few blocks away from The Compound, sometime in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, an ENORMOUS tree came down and blocked one of the ‘hood’s busiest streets. Flashback to Hurricane Ike. EEK.

Tuesday was the birthday of my late friend Steve R. As I do every year, I made a chocolate cake decorated with Pooh characters. Lindsey and Rhonda came over to help us eat it, while Sugar and The Compound hounds guarded us from leaves on the front porch (a dog has to watch those things; they’re cunning).

It makes me happy each year to celebrate Steve’s life with friends. Even if they never met him, his zest for living and his love of chocolate are great parts of April 28. Also, where else can you hear Rhonda say, “I’m licking Pooh butt?”

18 thoughts on “Of sneakers and birthdays”

  1. With a reflective toecap no less! Looks like they would be great for trekking!

    And CHOCOLATE … I just love CHOCOLATE … but I don’t think I’d lick Pooh butt!

  2. oh look honey, SHOES!!!

    I loath shoe shopping, having wide feet, so I usually end up wearing new balance “running” shoes and having to buy additional gel arch support inserts. One should not have to do that when paying more than $50 for a pair of running shoes.

    Cake!! 🙂

  3. Brave people! But I’ve recently become a convert to Nike so I know the trip was worth it . . . I always went with Addidas in the past, but found a great new sports shop and, well, quite frankly they’re worlds apart. It’s Nike or nothing now!!

    “Also, where else can you hear Rhonda say, “I’m licking Pooh butt?”” Brilliant! *grin*

  4. hmm… those shoes look familiar….

    Could it be that at this very moment an identical pair are on my feet..

    Well, yours are still pretty & clean. Mine are not

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