I am so lucky

I have the best big sister in the world.

Happy birthday, Debby!

(Note to Rhonda and Lindsey: When I talked to Debby Monday afternoon, she muttered something about the two of you. I’m SURE it was a thank-you for the lovely gift you sent Harley, though it didn’t really sound like “thank you.”)

22 thoughts on “I am so lucky”

      1. I called and asked Debby. The burro was on a street in Cripple Creek when my family took a trip there from Colorado Springs (where we were living). Apparently the burro has no known story other than posing for a photo with us.

        The big drama of that trip was my mother coming unglued about the death-defying drive into the mountains.

          1. Eh… it had its moments. LOL Kenneth and I have ALWAYS been very different. Different friends, different interests, etc. He grew into a conservative Southern Baptist deacon and I grew into a liberal homosexual, who hangs out with a metal rock band these days. =0) With the 21 yr age difference, Mag and I are almost more like father and daughter at times. I’ve always been the caretaker with all three siblings, though.

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