Someone Like Her

ETA: Two more photos behind the cut.

Those of you who’ve read Someone Like You–um, that would be ALL of you, right?–remember that the oft bitchy but troubled Natasha had a certain obsession. Among the vast array of Timothy James Beck characters, I admit that I have a soft spot for Natasha. Created mainly by Jim, with a few quirks and some action thrown in by the rest of us, she’s just such a big mess that even her Evil Retail Manager behavior makes me laugh.

I’d totally forgotten that a few days before Tim went into the hospital, I was poking around on eBay and found a steal. So when a box was delivered today, I had no idea what was in it. I hope it’ll make Tim laugh later. It will always make me think of Natasha Deere.

Dolly Parton doll, circa 1978

25 thoughts on “Someone Like Her”

    1. Maybe? I don’t know. I think so.

      He took me to task for “tampons” being on the first page of THE DEAL the other day. Him and his rules.

      1. There’s a rule about not putting ‘tampons’ on the first page of a book? He’s just asking for me to put ‘tampons’ in any email I send him. (and what the heck, maybe there’ll be tampons in care packages, too!) 🙂

      2. Him and his rules

        You’re also in trouble for doing a post about a Dolly Parton doll and not playing on the word dollie, but I’m cutting you some slack ’cause it’s Valentine’s Day.


    I LOVE how the turquoise shoes match her belt and her feathers. Very she-she! Wonderful ensemble for the basic back dress! Too rich! ROFLMAO

    1. Thank you. I learned when I made that dress that its dye will stain. Poor Summer got stained and it won’t come off. I had the dress on Dolly for THIRTY minutes tops, and now she’s stained, too. All these years in excellent condition, and I mess her up within a few hours of receiving her.

      Good thing I’m not a real collector, huh?

  2. I still really want to live in that mall.

    Thanks to your doll photos from a couple months ago, John took me to Wortham Fountain today to shoot pictures for his photography class. I’d never been there before. It took a lot of u-turns to finally get there, but he liked it, too. 🙂

  3. This is so cool! What makes it creepy cool is that I picked up “Someone Like You” at Borders at about the time that you were posting this.

    Too weird!

  4. I’m beyond jealous! I just might have to roll you for that one! I have a dream of going to Dollywood with a Dolly Doll in one hand, and her biography “My Life, and Other Unfinished Business” in the other!

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