Are y’all wanting an update?

Tim’s surgeon came in tonight while I was there. Tomorrow they will turn the suction off on his two chest tubes. If all goes well, they will remove the tubes. If all does not go well, it sounds like surgery again.

So… He could be home by Sunday, or he could repeat the joys of a thoracic epidural, surgery, and being trapped in a hospital room with the loudest freaking people on the planet. Let’s hope for the best.

30 thoughts on “Are y’all wanting an update?”

  1. Random commenter

    Dropping in here out of the blue; hope that’s okay.

    I’ve just finished reading “Three Fortunes in One Cookie” (and enjoyed it very much) and started browsing around the web to find out more about Cochrane Lambert when I came across Tim’s LJ and saw your post.

    I’m hoping everything turns out well … it was a shock to see that he’d just gone into hospital.

    (I’ve added you both as friends to keep in touch regarding your story writing, and Tim’s health. The fact that I have a son named Tim adds more meaning somehow. All the best to everyone concerned.)

    1. Re: Random commenter

      Of course it’s okay; you are more than welcome here. Thanks for letting me/us know you enjoyed Three Fortunes. I always love hearing from readers!

      Thanks also for your concern for Tim. Stick around for more updates and so we can get to know each other. =)

  2. I said a prayer for Tim. I don’t want the poor guy to go through that again!

    You know, it’s interesting. With my mom’s hitial hernia surgery, they did the same sort of procedure as with the doctors attaching Tim’s lung to the side of his chest cavity so it doesn’t collapse again. They attached part of her GI tract to the side of her cavity so it doesn’t get pulled back up through her diaphragm.

    1. Isn’t it amazing how simple that solution sounds, but how traumatic it must be on one’s insides? Did she have much pain afterward? I hope not.

      And thanks for looking out for Tim from a distance. =)

      1. She hasn’t been in too much pain. She felt the most discomfort where they attached her GI tract to her chest cavity. She said there was a pinching feeling-like there, so she’d keep an ice pack on that spot. But she keeps getting more normal every day. I think the first week or two tends to be the worse in terms of discomfort. That’s how it was for me after my gallbladder surgery.

    1. Pretty much! He wants his computer, a salad from our favorite restaurant Barnabys, his dog, and a shower. Probably not in that order and definitely not all at the same time! =)


      1. I’m thinking, nooo! reading this, and then I got to this comment and couldn’t help giggling. You’re the ones who deserve the relief of a good laugh, but thanks for giving one to me, anyway. : )

        1. It makes you appreciate the little things —

          Like wearing your own underwear and not having crazy
          people in your room — unless you’ve invited them
          in, of course!

          1. I never thought I’d get a chuckle out of hearing the words, “little things,” and “underwear” in the same utterance, but somehow you’ve achieved this, Gaedhal. : )

  3. Hmm, you’d think Rex would be able to think of a way to sneak into Tim’s room with a salad. The dogs in Disney movies are always able to do things like that. All fingers and toes are crossed for Tim’s Sunday escape. He deserves a break this weekend. As do you.

      1. Re: hoping for the best

        I am in Houston, but not with the other patient. With other friends closer to my mom’s abode. Too many sick friends! Everyone must feel better soon…

    1. Thanks, and I’ll tell him. The dogs are okay–they’re pretty adaptable. Tyson is spending this weekend with a potential forever family; he left Sat. morning. So it’s only Rex who really shows that he’s affected by the absence of Tim, losing a lot of his customary Crazy Kangaroo Dog behavior. He’s going to be ecstatic when his boy comes home.

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