Ninja Fire

Confidential to Mr. Puterbaugh.

Apparently, I come from a long line of women who go rogue. I think you’ll get what I mean:


Last week, I virtuously went to the dentist (Look, Ma, no cavities!), went to the lab two months late to get my blood drawn, and conducted some mara-freaking-thon shopping. And you know I DO NOT LIKE TO SHOP. But I got a lot done, including getting all my holiday cards in the mail along with 13 packages.

Some of my errands were prompted by Ninja Lesbians. In a covert operation, they delivered to The Compound:

A chiminea!

Anyone who knows me knows I love a nice fire (nice means no structures, living trees, or woodland creatures are involved). Even though we don’t have much cold weather, we do have a little period of time when there are no mosquitoes and being outside doesn’t lead to heatstroke. On those occasions, I’ve speculated that it would be fun to sit outside with friends next to a crackling fire and yell at the dogs if they seem inclined to look for lawn hors d’oeuvres.

After Lindsey and Rhonda gave us the chiminea, they explained there were rules, and Lindsey even found them online. Apparently, I needed play sand or pea gravel before I built the first small fires. Trip to Lowe’s–check. I also needed something called Butcher’s Wax to help seal the outside of the chiminea. Lowe’s–nope. Home Depot–nope.

Tim then suggested that I go to the bowling alley in the basement (Hi, Greg!) under the TimLair.

Timpire Lanes.

Now I don’t really have a problem with basements. But I fear bowling alleys. (Hi, rude nephew and nieces. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that night in the 1980s when you made me put on those hideous shoes, promised not to laugh, then fell on the floor howling when I…) I digress. Look!

Butcher’s Wax!

And I’ve done my part:

So now we just have to create an area somewhere on the grounds for our first fire. And I have to keep my promise that no starter fluid will be involved.

17 thoughts on “Ninja Fire”

  1. Becky: what a nice chiminea! You’re going to love it.

    My best friend Sara bought one. Boy, that first night we used it was magical. What a nice memory.

    Then I of course had to buy one, too. It was one of the best things I ever bought. My family spent many hours, gathered around its warmth, roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. The boys were in charge of going out into the yard and gathering fallen branches & sticks. I learned that one of the best ways to get a fire going is to tuck a crumpled brown paper sack under the sticks. For some reason, that paper burns hotly and is wonderful at getting the sticks to burn. My nephews liked to make “stick bombs” — which were brown paper sacks filled with little sticks and dried leaves.

    I’m really happy for you that you have a chiminea. That’s exciting news.

    1. Thanks for the info. I’m really looking forward to it for the very reasons you’ve listed. Good times with friends. Good memories.

      And stick bombs, of course. =)

      1. Oh, one more piece of advice: once you find a good spot for it, try not to move it unless it’s absolutely necessary. I broke mine last winter. I thought that, with the cold weather coming, maybe I should move it inside. Unfortunately, the top flute part came off in my hands.

        But they last a LONG time. I have a feeling the icy weather over the years had a lot to do with it. Mine lasted five years. And even though I could have bought a metal one, I prefer the clay chimineas. They’re more “earthy.” 🙂

  2. You do have the COOLEST friends. And now the COOLEST chiminea. And now I want one AND that is a scary bowling alley and not because of any scary shoe trauma but because it looks just like the bowling alley from the end of “There Will Be Blood.” It looks just like the place where Daniel Day Lewis screamed about milkshakes and then died. Daniel Day Dead. Can you and your cool friends and your cool stuff and your cool places get any cooler? I seriously don’t think so.

    1. Of course, I haven’t seen “There Will Be Blood” because I don’t watch movies with blood in them and this one gives the warning RIGHT ON THE MARQUIS. Or DVD box, as it were.

      However, I think Timpire Lanes looks REMARKABLY like the bowling alley in the basement at the Biltmore mansion. Seriously, google it. 😉

      If you get a chiminea, I want to see photos!

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