Button Sunday

Using certain tags, I’ve gone through four years of LJ archives to fix bad photo links. I know this doesn’t matter to anyone other than me, but when one of my reasons for keeping a LJ is to publish photos, it’s kind of ridiculous to think of people ever meandering through my archives only to see “This photo is no longer available.”

Please, if any of you ever stumble over a missing photo or dead link, let me know. I try to keep this place always at the ready for that moment when one of you wakes in the middle of the night–or the middle of the day for some of you–and MUST FIND THAT PHOTO OF THE KENS WITH BAD HAIR. How tragic if you should be denied seeing it. Not that I remember seeing it when I was fixing things. It could be missing for all I know. My brain is fried from looking at old posts, and what I want to know is, WHY are you people reading this thing? Has anyone ever been more random and unfocused and needlessly verbose than I am?

I figure you’re here for the man and dog photos. So from the true archives–the ones from the shelves in the study–here’s a shot from April of 1999, when Stevie became the first of The Compound dogs to adore Tim. Whenever he was here, she was all his.

26 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

    1. Me, too. However, I’ve decided Rex has taken on a little of Pete. Just like Pete used to do, sometimes when Tim and I are having a conversation, Rex starts barking at us. And just like Tom used to do, Tim occasionally sweeps Rex into his arms and holds him so we can finish talking.

      I’ll let you know when you need to come down and start giving Rex commands in another language. Actually, why don’t you just do that…next weekend.

  1. I try to keep this place always at the ready for that moment when one of you wakes in the middle of the night–or the middle of the day for some of you–and MUST FIND THAT PHOTO OF THE KENS WITH BAD HAIR. How tragic if you should be denied seeing it.


    Not that I remember seeing it when I was fixing things. It could be missing for all I know. My brain is fried from looking at old posts, and what I want to know is, WHY are you people reading this thing? Has anyone ever been more random and unfocused and needlessly verbose than I am?

    First things first.
    Your photograph of Tim and Stevie is really pretty. The lighting and their pose really suit.
    Great photograph, Becky.

    And in answer to your posed question:
    I bolded part of your entry (above) because I found myself terribly amused by your ability to be able to turn a phrase with such humour and wit. You have a gift of being able to say just the right thing… at just the right time ~ with a grand sense of humour that is sometimes peppered with the barest hint of sarcasm which I, personally, love.

    I read your journal because you are a real, and approachable, person. You are caring. You are talented and you are generous with your skills and talents. I read your journal because I enjoy your crafting of words. I enjoy your unique outlook.

    I read because I enjoy you as a writer and as a human being.

    So many times writers become unapproachable in their craft. They dial down the public and become withdrawn ~ retreating into their own literary worlds. Some also start believing their own press/PR spins and become a tad difficult…

    You are ever fresh, ever gracious, ever open, ever approachable, ever kind and ever talented. Gifts which I assure you are quite rare in a writer as gifted as you are.

    I read you, in short, because I like you and appreciate your many talents (as a writer; and as a human-being) and your ability to grant people genuine smiles ~ no matter their life situations…


    1. Could you BE any nicer? =) Thank you for all the things you said. I wasn’t fishing, but you’ll never know how timely your thoughts are.

  2. We photo whores of the world thank you for fixing those links (and for writing in LJ!!)
    (That makes me think that I need to go back and see if your youtube photorama is back from the first year we were all at S&S.)

    1. I keep finding more missing photos. ACK.

      I think that youtube video is available again. Since our acquaintances who co-opted my photos from my videos banished me from their lives, I figured it was safe.

    1. You know, when I found that photo, I was all, “WTF? He looks just like this NOW.” Except for the sunburn he has in the photo. Since he doesn’t have an attic, I don’t know where he keeps that painting. I just want to know the artist.

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