Getting there

Today I’ve been working on my final collection. I’m about halfway there. Tom took a half day off to deal with some car maintenance stuff, and now he and EZ are in Tim’s apartment. While Tim’s away at Rex Camp, we’re subletting it doing some work over there. Okay, I say “we,” when in fact, it’s Tom doing the work. He took down all the drapes so they can be dry-cleaned. Then he cleaned all the windowsills and is now painting them.

Recently, Tim noticed a tear on one of the curtains. He SAID EZ probably did it when she was looking out the window, but I’m not so sure Mark G. Harris is innocent. He could have been interrupted while ripping up the curtains to make a dress for Figaro.

Hmmm, maybe I should look at those curtains again…

12 thoughts on “Getting there”

  1. If you look at those curtains again and see a cigarette burn along with the rip, then you know it was Mark G. (Hi, Mark, honey!)

    (Eep!! Go check out the old faithful cam!)

    1. Holy shit! First I went to the regular cam and all I saw was…well, a white blur. Then I went to the live cam and OMG! The last time I looked it was freaking SUMMER! Thanks for alerting me. =)

    1. Apparently, Miranda is onto you. There IS no low you won’t stoop to. Sad.

      However, Figaro will look GREAT in potholders for your final collection, and I believe you should use them exclusively. And while you’re at it, a potholder cape is sure to wow the judges!

  2. curtains…

    Funny you should post this… I put up some new curtains and was wondering if the sewers *might* want the ones I took down. I’ll hold on to them until I can get them to you guys for new outfits for the models.

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