Frankly, my dear…

I’m going on record that Lipton Iced Tea To Go Peach does NOT have the deliciousness of Crystal Light On The Go Peach Tea. You’ve been warned.

Lately I’ve displayed a tendency to neglect stuff. As an Aries, I’m impulsive and can greatly enjoy being spontaneous, but in my daily life, I’m a creature of habit. I work best when I follow a routine. Probably anyone who works in a home office will tell you that it requires a lot of self-imposed discipline, and I’m usually good about that. Lately: not so much. I’ve got this litany in my head running on a loop: get to bed earlier, go to the gym, do something about those five months of untouched bank statements, pay bills, go to the grocery store, cook, finish reading that manuscript, do the outline for that novel, start moving on a TJB project, get caught up on local politics, do something about The Compound grounds…there are more, but you’ve already skipped to the next paragraph.

I can’t blame the usual suspects for my lethargy. I still don’t watch TV (six hours weekly hardly put me in anybody’s target audience when one of them is the soap I watch during dinner and the other is Project Runway). I’m not reading blogs all day. I am reading a ton of books, but I always do. I don’t have a madly active social life. I’m not on the phone. The only unusual thing I’m doing is designing a Barbie outfit for a few hours a week for LJ Runway Monday.

So what is the reason for all these idle hours? Possibilities: The heat. The fact that there’s so much unfinished or undone that it’s daunting. Mourning. The missing camera. The inevitable reaction to a year of pressing demands and responsibilities that are no longer there. But mostly, I just don’t give a damn.

That’s so unlike me.

8 thoughts on “Frankly, my dear…”

  1. I’m voting for it being the heat.
    It’s hard to have any ambition when all it takes to start to sweat is stepping outside.
    Although I’m not very efficient when I have a lot to do. I do a little bit of something, then get sidetracked to do a little bit of something else, etc, etc, but never really get any one thing totally done.

  2. Get to work, missy! Dance for us, Becky. Dance!

    Do you think you might be in a depression? Not having the energy or desire to do stuff that you usually take an interest in can be a red flag for depression. Whatever the cause, I hate to hear you like this.

    You could very well be feeling overwhelmed. One effective strategy I found is to at least try to do one small task, because it’s a bit of positive reinforcement. And nothing succeeds like success.

    Yeah, I’m a creature of habit, and I find I have to impose some sort of structure on myself in order to function better. My To Do List that I keep blathering on about has really helped to remember to do stuff, to give myself some structure, so that I don’t just sink into the quicksand of feeling overwhelmed or just feeling bleh. Forcing myself to try to do stuff can get me back into motion from just feeling like I’m wallowing in helplessness towards making me feel back in control and like I’m going towards some sort of goal.

  3. “I’m going on record that Lipton Iced Tea To Go Peach does NOT have the deliciousness of Crystal Light On The Go Peach Tea.”

    i completely agree. i’ve tried every other brand of peach tea and crystal light still wins.

    and i feel for you on the rest of the entry…

  4. I think moods and priorities change in the summer, strange as it sounds.

    Everyone else seems to be taking holidays, or not around for whatever reason and routine gets out of routine.

    When Autumn comes and our brains can function again in the cooler weather, routine seems to re-appear . . . just my $0.02 worth, but it does always seem to go that way in the summer . . .

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