Hump Day Happy

Possible reasons why I haven’t posted for a couple of days:

10. I’ve been tweaking crap on my web site. Not this one; the other one. Not much is new, yet it took a lot of work to get rid of dead links, rearrange pages and page content, and make some changes to my “friends and family” page.

9. My eyes are tired. I’m way behind answering e-mail. I’ll try Wednesday. Or Thursday.

8. Monday night, Lynne took me to dinner at Mark’s. No, not MGH’s house; I’m talking about the restaurant in Montrose. I’ll have pictures to share eventually, when the eye strain abates.

7. After dinner, I went with her to the suburbs to do some shopping. I dislike shopping. Intensely. Then I spent the night at Green Acres. Neither Sparky nor Minute would sleep with me. I can’t sleep without dogs pushing me out of bed.

6. I paid bills Tuesday, and took care of more estate business. Even though there’s not an estate. Whatever.

5. Tuesday afternoon, I took a four-hour nap. See No. 7 above.

4. After the nap, Tim and I did errands. Alert the media. We left the house together and no tornadic activity occurred.

3. I don’t seem to have a third. Oh, wait; yeah, I do. Over the weekend, I decided to catch up on my blog reading. The first eighteen blogs I read all used “it’s” incorrectly. I went back to reading my Mr. and Mrs. North mysteries. Frances and Richard Lockridge never used “it’s” incorrectly in their novels.

2. Now I don’t seem to have a second. However, THE NUMBER ONE REASON why I haven’t updated is:

1. I got my copy edits for A Coventry Wedding. Wouldn’t it suck if the copy editor found “it’s” used incorrectly?

See y’all in comments later, IF you give me a page number from 1 to 612 and another number between 1 and 30, so I can give you a reason to be happy from this source of all happiness:



42 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy”

    1. Giggle. It’s actually “Youth Fellowship meetings.” Though I suppose if Jeff wanted to go to those, you’d get more computer time. You know, when the computer’s working.

  1. Dash wants 603 number 26

    Marika wants page 467 number 21

    I’m wishing for hot naked dancing men with ice cream …

    Dash hopes for milk bones

    1. And what you got:

      Dash: “a stack of buttered toast”

      You: “the fuzz on tennis balls”

      (I think maybe you and Dash should trade.)

    1. I’ve never had It’s-It. I probabaly need to go to San Francisco. Just for those, of course. Not for anything else.

      Today’s bit of happiness for you is:

      “paper logs”

      I know; you’re pretty excited, huh?

      1. you know, i never had one of those dances. granted, i didn’t go to school dances, but i think i would have recalled a sadie hawkins. maybe they quit having those?

        1. Yeah, those of us who are only thirty-five probably don’t remember them. I think it’s when girls got to initiate kisses. Now I think they should have a Sophie B. Hawkins dance and the girls get to kiss the girls. 😉

  2. Mmm…dinner at Mark’s. Yuuum. She did that in order to butter you up and convince you to go shopping. In the suburbs.

    I still choose to be difficult. Frontmatter, fourth paragraph, second sentence.

    1. Ha. Then your answer will delight you:

      “There is no greater happiness than you.”

      And Lynne speaks the truth. The shopping was for me. Actually, really, for a photo for my web site. The other one.

  3. “It’s” used incorrectly? It’s inconceivable!

    Page 5, number 6, if you please.

    Jeffrey R.

    1. It IS inconceivable. Perhaps it’s the very simplicity of the rule that makes people ignore its use?

      “a 10-gallon jug of fruit salad”

      (I hope you’re planning to share that.)

      1. Well, I certainly couldn’t finish it all by myself.

        Oh wait, yes I could. But I’d share it anyway. I was brought up right. I watched “Sesame Street” as a kid and learned all about sharing.

        Jeffrey R.

  4. I cook really good hot dogs. Other than that, my cooking would make the back of your hand touch your forehead in agony.

    Can I please have Page 39, item # 16? : )

    1. Then I’ll do the cooking, honey; you’ll pay the rent. (I hope you know that’s from a song.)

      “date-nut sauce over apple, pear, or pumpkin pie or ice cream”

        1. You’re welcome.

          You can’t figure the song out because I twisted the lyrics to suit me. But here’s a fun slide show, if you’re in a Judy mood (lyrics begin at about 1.25 so be patient, and music ends abruptly, so be warned). Merci about the web site. Still work to do, but I needed to update a lot of old information on it, so it’ll do for now.

          1. That was great. I was reading her Wikipedia article recently. Guess with Pride and all I got curious about her. Other than The Wizard Of Oz I haven’t fallen in love with her, and was reading up on her gay icon status.

            The thing I liked was how around 1940 this makeup artist raised Judy’s eyebrows (I can definitely see the difference) and altered her hairline (not sure how, I guess since they couldn’t add they took away?), and Judy liked the results so much she wrote the artist into her contract to do her makeup for every picture afterwards.

    1. It’s been done before by others more evil-forward than you. However, you’ll probably have your own perspective about the answer.


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