Houston Pride

You may remember this shot from last year’s Parade.

Here’s this year’s version (“Where’s Rex?”):

It was a great day of Pride, starting with my breakfast at Baby Barnaby’s. I wish they were open all day, because I’m rarely out and about early enough to eat breakfast there.

I have three small stickers on the back of my car which are badly faded. I decided it’s time to replace them, so I went to Hollywood Video/Books to see if I could find duplicates. I got a new PFLAG sticker no problem. But when I asked the cashier about a red ribbon, all I got was a blank look. He honestly didn’t know what a red ribbon is for! I’m still trying to get my head around that.

However, their former manager had bought tons of our books for us to sign. After all these years, there’s one lone copy of The Deal remaining. I thought about buying it–it’s out of print and I only have a couple of copies myself. I decided it’s just waiting for the right reader and left it there.

For the rest of my Pride photos, check out my Flickr set. If you do a slide show, you won’t see titles and captions, but if you go through them individually, I’ve tried to identify most of what I shot.

26 thoughts on “Houston Pride”

      1. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go either, but after posting that I felt like I had to! I’m glad I did. It’s the first time I’d been in a few years, and I had forgotten how empowering it can be. Plus I got to see a bunch of people I hadn’t seen in a while and make some new friends.

        One thing that struck me as odd was that there weren’t as many drag queens and leather daddies around. Even the Houston Area Bears float was filled with pretty hairless muscle boys.

  1. You guys were right across the street from us! We were on the corner of Yupon right under the hideous Tremont Towers. We didn’t take pictures but I had a blast!

    1. I like it so much better there than down the street, where the crowds are much deeper and much drunker. That’s a better man-watching place, probably, but we could actually feel a breeze and see everything where we were. Plus we were able to sit, and I needed to do that.

      If I’d known you were right there, I’d have ducked between the horses and gotten photos of you. I’m glad you had a good time!

      1. It’s probably a good thing you didn’t try to duck around the horses. At one point we saw the cops practically using the horses to push people back towards the sidewalk. It was a little scary!

    1. You are most welcome. I can still find them on book sites (Amazon, Powell’s), sometimes for as low as a penny (insert “deal” joke here), so I can restock if I need to. The dumbest thing I ever did was not buy remaindered hardbacks from insightout when I had the opportunity. I didn’t make that mistake with THREE FORTUNES.

  2. Where was Rex? Great pictures! Pridefest is two days here in the Wicket City — the last Saturday and Sunday of June. They reserve the entire lower half of Tower Grove park where they have vendor booths and exhibits, entertainment stages, food and liquid refreshments. I didn’t go to the Pride Pet Parade yesterday, But I did go to the Pride Parade today. The parade route is several miles along Grand Avenue before turing into the park. We’ve always had a day parade — mainly because of the festival in the park.

    1. Rex stayed home this year to hang out with Margot and Guinness, who we never took again after the first year we tried it (Margot is afraid of the noise; Guinness just gets all hyper and would probably lose another pound turning in circles). Tim noticed some broken glass around us, so it’s probably good Rex didn’t go.

      They moved our Pride to night many years ago because of the oppressive heat here. Although it means we don’t have an afterward in some big public space, if you’d ever stood outside in Houston for several hours in the middle of a June day, you’d understand it’s worth the trade-off.

    1. I love Silverlust, too. I’ve gotten two rings there that he (the owner whose name I can never remember) designed and made himself. I went in there once with Tom, my mother, and mother-in-law when I needed a watch battery. While I was waiting, I spied a ring, and silverLUST is right. The three of them ended up getting it for me for my birthday. =) It’s also where I get my earrings and many of my charms.

      1. Herschel. Nice Jewish boy. Has “the guys” on speed dial for when he makes stuff he knows they’ll like. My favorite earrings come from that shop. I need to go back. Soon.

        1. THANK you for the name! (Of course, I’ll forget it again.) I’ll go back with you, but please make me leave my purse at home.

    1. Thanks! Flickr works well for me. I arrange my photos into sets, and my default is to “private” so only I can see them. (They are still viewable here on LJ when I use their URL address for the particular size I want, so you’d still have to lock some posts, but that setting does prevent your photos from being viewed by random people doing flickr searches.) If I want to make a photo or set public, it’s easy enough to change that preference (as I did for the Pride set).

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