Hump Day Happy

My sister Debby got here Monday. Apparently, she bought this at the airport from a nice guy with an East Coast accent:

Debby loves coconut cake. Since my mother wouldn’t be making her one this trip, I thought I’d do so, coloring the coconut green for St. Patrick’s Day but otherwise leaving this a hearts-and-flowers cake for her:

By the time Tuesday afternoon rolled around, I’d guess about half the cake was gone*. Meanwhile, back at the TimLair, EZ was getting exercise time. This involves getting out of her cell, walking around looking fierce and smoking a cigarette while keeping an eye on the guards. Because EZ’s so tough, Rexford comes over to my place for a little time with his bitches, Margot and Guinness. Debby and I went to visit our mother while this was going on. The cake was wrapped in plastic on the dining room table.

And then, when Tom got home, it wasn’t. There was no cake, just some shredded plastic wrap under the table and three totally innocent looking dogs denying that any of them had pushed the chair out from the table or had coconut on his or her breath. And though I suspect all three of them, only Rex has a big ol’ distended, noisy stomach tonight and a propensity to throw up.

As for my sister, I’m trying to satisfy her coconut lust with some Mini Mounds. They’re in the cookie jar with the top firmly in place.

So three belly-aching dogs have nothing to be happy about, but you, YOU, can spend your hump day being happy by giving me a page number from 1 to 612 and another number between 1 and 30, and I’ll give you something to be happy about from this book.

One thing I’m happy about is Greg’s so-fit body and his willingness to move heavy furniture. Thanks, Greg!

*My sister didn’t eat half the cake by herself. She had help from Tom, Tim, and me.

30 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy”

          1. Dash would love to catch a bird, he’s been attacked by blue Jays a few times, now that is funny to watch him dunking around trees in case they’re hanging around

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