The worst time to be without a camera

I was up until five this morning getting all our tax paperwork together. After four hours of sleep, I showered and left the house to give it to our accountant. Afterward, I bought some Chicken McNuggets (for some odd reason, these are the only thing I want to eat anymore) and rode to the grounds outside the Menil Museum to take in a little nature and appreciate the exterior sculptures in the small park between the Menil and Rothko Chapel.

I paid attention to a man with a Jack Russell terrier only because JRTs now make me think of Dash. I smiled as he–the JRT, not the man–sat at the bottom of a few trees and barked at squirrels. And then, I KID YOU NOT, the dog climbed a tree! It’s a tree whose trunk is angled toward the ground, and he went right up it to a little resting place where the tree began to branch out. I thought maybe I was sleep deprived and hallucinating–and who knows what’s in those nuggets–but after his man coaxed him down and walked him a little, he went up it again! He was at least eleven feet off the ground and would have climbed higher except his man asked him not to. So he just stood in his little crook and watched the world go by for a while.

I think Lynne’s Minute should go to this place, because no dog ever wanted to climb a tree more than she does.

15 thoughts on “The worst time to be without a camera”

  1. I have always heard that about Jack Russell Terrorists. We bought a book on them when we were going to get a dog and it advised putting a chain link fence around your property, digging it at least 3 feet into the ground because they tunnel and making sure to remove any trees near the fence because they climb.

    We got a part lab instead. 😉

      1. he’s done it twice now, so next time we’re sitting out back, we’ll be sure to get it on film.

        we just figgered he was nutso – not that it was a JRT thing.

      1. i think dash is a MUCH cuter name!

        romeo came to me with that name…i wouldn’t have picked it, but he is quite the handsome little love puppy. 😉

      1. There is no evidence of that! There is no proof!!! He has no thumbs! He can’t pull a bank heist. How could he hold the gun? SLANDER!!!

        He did see his Oma and Opa today though, so there was jumping and showing off… My Dad got pizza across the street, and we sat outside, and he just wanted to sit in his Oma’s lap, and for osme reason my Mom tries to reason with him so imagine this in a German accent “Dash, I love you, but you can’t sit in my lap. You’ll get hair all over my clothes and I don’t like that. I don’t want to change my clothes for dinner, This is my best outfit.” Then Dash tries it again “Dash, what did I say to you. This is my best outfit and it’s black, your fur is white and I don’t want your hair on it.. it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” The more she tries to reason with him the more he wants in that lap. It’s very cute

        “They” do warn people about the tree thing, at least the woman that gave me Dash did. JRTs are also very fond of rocks and like to play with them and horde them. She also told me that I should make sure that any gate I have should be more then a latch because he’d figure that out. She also said he’d be quick to alert and bark, and he is quick to alert … but he “patrols” he doesn’t really bark at all.

        I love him!

  2. I smiled as he–the JRT, not the man–sat at the bottom of a few trees and barked at squirrels.

    Come on, it would be wicked funny if the man was barking at the squirrels …

  3. JRTs do love to climb, jump, dig and tunnel. Bandit is a champ at all of the above. Minute would LOVE to climb that tree. We will go there on March 26 and eat chocolate cake while she climbs

  4. It doesn’t surprise me that you saw a Jackie climb a tree.

    Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if you saw one FLY to the
    top of the tree!

    Wish there was a pic!

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