The roof, the roof…

I worked until 3 a.m. and then went to bed.

At 7 a.m., there was a knock on the door.

And now, most of my roof is in a truck next to my house.

I’m sleeeeeeeeepy.

27 thoughts on “The roof, the roof…”

    1. Tonight we discovered that along with the rest of the debris, the roofers ate chicken and tossed the bones everywhere. Rex helped make that discovery.

      They should be finished tomorrow (Weds).

  1. Is it wrong that I totally want to sift through your shingles? Oooh, that sounds a bit dirty… not my intention; but I do like where that went…
    (I clearly need more coffee)

    1. Broken.shingles.are.everywhere. This is the messiest, noisiest house job ever. You’d have to wear a hardhat….which might then venture into MY fantasy world… Well, it would if you looked like this in it:

      1. Thank the sweet Village People above, I DON’T look like that… or Rhonda would never do me. I could do my best to butch-it-up for you though. However, I think that under the circumstances, the biggest turn-on would be if I could construct a sound proof bubble around your house… and if we’re gonna go there… why not a house of bacon?

        1. I think I need a secret office in an undisclosed location for the next three weeks where no one could find me. That office could be made of bacon.

  2. Oh man that brings back horrible memories. We had the siding and the roof done when we moved here. I thought it would never end. The banging, scraping, moving of latters.

    Between the guys outside, we had workers inside too. We all slept and lived in two rooms basically while they redid the house. We kept moving from room to room as they finished one and moved on. OH MY GOD! I thought I’d go mad.

    But you’ll love it all once it is finished.

    1. That’s what everyone keeps telling me, Debbi, but I don’t know. One thing is that we’re having to pack all of our house and move it out, just as if we’re moving, so the hardwood floors can be refinished. I thought the timing was such that the tile guys in the kitchen would be done well before the hardwood guys came in. They can all work separately without impacting each other, but it foils our plan for not having to store the refrigerator and stove. That has me ridiculously stressed.

      Also, I think if the tile guys show up with tile tomorrow before the roof guys are finished, there could be a turf war. The dogs and I may have to barricade ourselves behind boxes of books with the meat cleaver and the Glock.

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