Life needs to SIMMER DOWN around here. Today I had so many errands to run and I just turned off the phones and the computer and did them. On the way, I treated myself to the one indulgence that always, always lifts my spirits.

Guinness ignores my newly pedicured toes.

When I finally got back home to stay, I saw a box on the porch and…well, I BLAME ALL OF YOU. I haven’t bought one of these things in years. YEARS! Probably twelve years! But when doing posts about them to get accurate information, I happened to see this on eBay and I bid on it. Okay, I didn’t. I paid the BUY IT NOW price because it was cheaper than its original retail price. And today, it came.

The hottest Ken I’ve ever seen. When I first saw him online and got squealy about him, Tim was all eyerolling and saying, “It’s a DOLL.” But Jim humored me and said, “Harley Ken is hot.”

As long as he keeps his jeans and leathers on, anyway.

Even though Tim scoffed at my Harley Ken lust, I printed out a bunch of LJ posts and comments so he can know all of you are thinking of him. Or talking about him. Or planning to bust him out. And then… I talked him into meeting me outside the ER and we took a little ride. Then he took a little walk. And he wasn’t alone.

Forget pedicures and eBay. A man needs his dog.


  1. 1) Taht IS a hot Ken!!! Is that chest hair???

    2) You are probably the most wonderful friend in the world for taking Rex to see Tim. I actually teared up at those pics.

  2. So is the chest hair real? Does it bother you that he looks like Fernando Llamas and that he might turn in his “hog” for a winery? What if he breaks out and starts smacking Playboy Barbie around? What will drive to his anger managements then?

    I can’t even begin to imagine how wonderful the REX TIM reunion was — and bless you for doing it.. I got teary as well

    1. He does NOT look like Fernando Lamas OR Lorenzo Lamas, for that matter. And Ken would NEVER smack Barbie around. Don’t get my good-natured, romance novel dolls mixed up with your little fiends. Have you no shame?

      1. He TOTALLY looks like Lorenzo! Especially in in that show Renegade…. I might be the only one that tells you ..but I’m not the only one who sees it! That’s who I meant. and you see it too because you KNEW I was talking about Lorenzo and not Fernando. HA!

        And I think we established that we established I had no shame a LONG time ago

        By the way, Lorenzo Llamas would be perfect in the movie Pillow Schlitz. I’m just sayin’…

  3. Never wanted a Barbie, but a Haley Ken is a must! Glad you now have happy toes, because you are a real friend to man and his dog. You have my nomination for the ABOVE AND BEYOND FRIEND OF THE YEAR AWARD.

    And I’ll second that. Oskar LeChat

  4. Helllllooooooo Ken!!!! Of course you had to have him, just look at him!

    I’m waiting for a few of my ebay purchases to arrive and then I’ll have fun Barbie Adventure Pictures to post!

    That’s so awesome that you took Rex to see Timothy. Those pictures are too sweet!

    1. I look forward to your photos. =)

      Tim and Rex were pretty sweet. Tim said Rex was really all about the car ride, but when Tim went back inside the hospital, Rex whined a little. I cracked the window while we drove to cheer him up (he loves to sniff the air).

  5. Toes, Ken, and Tim & Rex

    You toes look suckable. I know, you’d probably kill me for ruining the polish. LOL

    The Harley Ken is hot! I wish they’d make him anatomically correct. It was hard playing dolls as a kid when the boys didn’t look like boys when the clothes came off. That’s why Barbie cheated on him with my Farrah Fawcett doll. LOL

    Tim and Rex look like they sincerely missed each other. I’m still praying for him to get well and come home soon. 😀 Give him a hug for me.

  6. That Ken doll is totally hot. Have you seen the Billy dolls? I secretly want the Tyson doll but they’re, like, sixty bucks!

    I just did my feet tonight, the Mary Kay peach smoothie Satin Hands set. I needed a treat. Although, it’s MUCH nicer to have someone else pampering your toes. 🙂

  7. OMG, is that the jacket I gave him?! I am sooo there in spirit. No. Really. I totally cursed the jacket with my sweet-sweet-love.

    In all seriousness, tell Tim that we love him more than he knows, and we miss him (and you guys); and that he needs to go home… NOW.

  8. Total coolness. I will have to show Bob this Ken. I am sure he will say he looks better in that vest than Ken, and Bob does have the chest hair, but come on, those chaps are HOT.

    A boy needs his dog very much. I think it’s how they breathe better. XO Tim.

  9. Awwww…
    Nothing like pet therapy!
    (Hey! Those look like the same kind of atrium we have at work. Tear that bit of plastic off the back for me, would you? It’s bugging me.) 🙂

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