Another Saturday night

I keep having those little tremors of excitement inside, the kind you have when something really, really good is about to happen. I’m sure it wasn’t because of this:

even though that IS my first attempt to make an alfredo sauce to put with chicken and pasta. Tim and Tom would have to say whether it was a success. Though I must tell you that the asparagus was totally rocking, cooked to exactly the crispness that I like. (And everyone at The Compound will have asparagus pee tonight, always an occasion. We don’t get out much, you know.)

Actually, it’s that “we don’t get out much” thing that helps fuel my excitement. I’m not big on traveling. Oh, occasionally I enjoy getting away, but since I don’t like to fly, and I never want to fly over water, the idea of going to Europe or anywhere else off this continent is in no way appealing to me. For that reason, when someone I care about does take that kind of trip and is excited about it, I don’t feel anything but bliss for them. No wistfulness, no envy, no jealousy–nothing but happiness for their happiness.

All day long, I’ve been thinking of Lindsey and Rhonda. Lindsey left this morning for Bangkok via Tokyo. Rhonda left tonight for Bangkok via Paris. While they wished they could be traveling together, in a way, I think it’s also exciting that they’re having separate adventures that will end up with both of them in the same place, full of experiences to tell each other. Plus they’ll be having their reunion on what is almost their first wedding anniversary. What a romantic and exciting way to celebrate another year in their life together.

Not only do I get to be happy for them, but their trip means Tim gets to take care of Sugar at The Compound while they are gone.

Poor Sugar. Isn’t it a terrible thing to be left in Tim’s care?

There’ll be a period of adjustment for Margot and Guinness, but it’s Rex who’s acting a little different. He likes Sugar. They even play together when she feels more at home. But Rex has suddenly turned into this big baby who wants to be close to Tim all the time. Of course, he’s always devoted to Tim, but this is more along the lines of, “I’m still your number one dog, right, right, RIGHT? Why are you holding that other dog? Look at how CUTE I am. Am I not the most endearing dog ever?” Guinness must sense that Rex is needy, because she even let him lie across her paws today and didn’t try to take his bone away when he was doing his, “Look at me! I’ve got a bone! Am I not the cutest dog ever with this bone?”

He kind of is…

32 thoughts on “Another Saturday night”

  1. my first thought when I saw the picture was yummy dinner!!! WAIT!!!ASPARAGUS? Someone’s pee is going to smell … perhaps like one of the arm pits of a certain LJ’er I know…

    Last week Dash and I had a sleepover with Rambla, and Dash got fairly freaksome when she said in my lap. of course she only did it to upset him , and get his bone … she is wicked smart.

      1. It makes your breath smell too?! What an evil little veggie!

        Is there something about asparagus I don’t get? Why are so many people eating it? Don’t they know about the other issues involved?

        1. Well, it’s asparagus. It’s just… wonderful. And white asparagus? Ooooooh! Worth all the offensive side-effects and then some. Smothered with cheese?

          Well, that would be worth murder. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

  2. Awww! I love that photo! What I do not love? Is the Tokyo airport and the snooty snoots in the president’s lounge. I have no idea what day or time it is. I just sat in a teeny tiny seat for 14 hours on a plane. Consequently, I cannot feel my ass cheeks. But! I got a beautiful e-mail from Rhonda, that she sent before she left. In about 4 hours I board a plane for another 7 hour flight. Admit it, you are sooooo jealous. =)

  3. Looks yummy! I love asparagus! I make it sometimes with garlic, and sautée it in a pan with a bit of olive oil. I don’t mind the pee smell because it tastes so good.

    The dogs are adorable, and I really like Tim’s beard.

  4. Puppy! The flight to Paris wasn’t bad, BUT these were the tiniest, most uncomfortable seats I’ve ever had on a plane. I can’t wait for the 12 hour flight to Bangkok. Would a Thai masseuse massage my ass? Is it rude to ask?

    I declare the Charles DeGaulle airport to be the most boring place on earth. You can buy all manner of Chanel, booze and tobacco. But the snooty French are also known for food. The ONLY restaurant in this terminal has prepackaged sandwiches. Le blah. On a positive note? They’re piping techno music through the terminal. I feel right at home.

    I purchased an hour of internet time for €5. I’d forgotten how different the French keyboard is. How different is it? Let me type something any typist would recognize using keys that should work on our keyboard:

    The auick brozn fox ju,ped over the lqwy dog:


    1. I declare the Charles DeGaulle airport to be the most boring place on earth. You can buy all manner of Chanel, booze and tobacco.

      Ms. Rubin is going to have to do better than that, to sway me from Paris. I knew I was right about Paris.

      knew it

  5. jen walked by as i was staring that that delicious looking dinner and asked what it was. i told her i was just thinking how yummy it looked!

    there’s not a whole lot cuter than when puppies get along and play with each other. 🙂

    1. there’s not a whole lot cuter than when puppies get along and play with each other. 🙂

      I agree. If I send Margot to you for a few days, do you think you and yours can teach her this? Last night I reminded her that she was once a foster dog welcomed into a home with many other dogs who showed her nothing but good manners. She turned her head away and went to sleep. Such a princess.

      1. two of mine aren’t exactly other dog friendly either, so they’d just be a bad influence on miss margot.

        today was the first day at the dog park for baby bean and she was rather rude for the first 10 minutes. that’s pretty much thanks to the anti-social pair (ok, ok, including jen & me, that make 4 anti-socialists) she lives with.

        1. Hey, if Margot were there, they could all go to their separate favorite places and snub one another. It’d be just like my ninth grade home ec class.

          Guinness allegedly has fun at dog parks if Margot isn’t there and she doesn’t have to “protect” her.

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