Quelle tragédie!

Can it possibly turn out to be a good day when it begins thus:

1. You awake with a horrific cramp in your leg and spend the next hour limping around like a Gunsmoke character?

2. You know that coffee will save your soul and find a note from your spouse on the counter that says, Coffeemaker died?

I’ll post tonight and let you know if it got better. But I can’t promise another snappy French title.

29 thoughts on “Quelle tragédie!”

  1. You poor thing. I HATE waking up with a cramp, but LMAO @ the Gunsmoke reference. And while I don’t drink coffee every day, when ya gotta have it, ya gota have it. Hope it gets better.

    1. Instead, I went to your Starbucks. Or at least, the one closest to you. I was eight cars back. Oh, the drama of it all! I couldn’t take the wait. Cut through River Oaks, only to find MY WAY BLOCKED by a cop, an eighteen-wheel flatbed, and a tree surgeon. (Sounds like a joke. Wasn’t.)

      Eventually, after some quick errands, I got to the Starbucks across from Disco Kroger. Or as I usually think of it, the Starbucks in the center where that guy got gunned down by his ex in front of all those people.

      Fortunately, those Starbucks staffers are not only the most damned polite and perky people on earth, they are also fast. Plus a cute-in-a-nerdy-kind-of-granola-hot-way guy WHO WAS STRAIGHT (I know! In Montrose!) came in during my short wait. Eye candy is always good.

  2. When I lived on my own, there was once a very dark day. My kettle broke. I stared at it and stared at it, but even after four or five good coats of looking-at, it still didn’t work. So, I sighed, and filled a pan with water to boil (the tea must flow).

    And realized I had no milk. I knew I’d forgotten something the day before, but milk was it, and that I hadn’t known. So I sighed, and reached for the cupboard with my peppermint tea, as I don’t take that with milk.

    The package was empty.

    I had no kettle. No milk. No peppermint tea.

    I had to go shopping with no tea in my system. It was horrible.

    There were survivors, but I’m sure they all wished they hadn’t.

  3. What a horror story! Reminds me of a musical number called “Coffee Break” from a play I was in in high school, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. It went something like this…

    1. I’m having an awful time with YouTube videos lately. Freezing up on me. This one did it at a point when the third person from the coffeepot had the most dreadful expression on her face. I’m pretty sure that’s how I looked when I read Tom’s note.

  4. Oh now that is a tragedy. I could not go without my morning coffee. I would boil water, pouring it through a paper towel filled with ground coffee, into a mug, if I had to.

    I truly hope the day is much much better now.

  5. I always save the “leftover” coffee in a jug and refrig it for emergency use. LOL. honest I do. Then if I wake up late or whatever, I can nuke a cup and survive.

      1. Leftover coffee- that which I don’t have time to drink before I have to run out the door to work.

        Sad isn’t it, I don’t get to work at home. But I do get to make a fresh pot of coffee when I get to work.

  6. Right now I am hearing Indiana Jones music, and I’m picturing you in a Indy fedora, bullwhip at your side. Only instead of that little golden statue – you are switching it for a bag of coffee.

    I know that it’s the coffeemaker that’s not working, but the golden coffee beans work for me

    1. Wouldn’t it be nice if I planted golden coffee beans and they turned into a giant oleander tree that I could climb and find JOHNNY DEPP at the top?

          1. Who’s being selfish?! me … the one that lives alone with a little dog, or you the one with the big strong hubby – that rescues you from icemakers. So you want that AND Johnny… shame Becky. That’s all I have to say. SHAME

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