On writing

I had just clicked on “Post to beckycochrane” on this post Tuesday when LJ went down. Don’t blame me and William Styron; it was due to a San Francisco power outage. Nice of LJ to restore the post when I could access the site again. So…anyway…

The actual process of writing…demands complete, noiseless privacy, without even music;
a baby howling two blocks away will drive me nuts.
William Styron

Photo: The Compound, 2007

11 thoughts on “On writing”

  1. I’ve known people who say they can’t read or write with any sort of sound around them. When I was an undergraduate, I used to sit in the cafeteria area where there was a lot of activity with people talking and watching TV. I was able to pretty much block it out and concentrate on whatever I was reading. Listening to music actually helps me focus on my writing. Actually, silence tends to drive me nuts because it makes me feel like I’m really alone, which I usually am when I’m writing, but I don’t like feeling that way.

      1. I once was in an office with people who would flip out if I had music on because they felt they couldn’t read or write with music on in the background. I’m not usually one of those people with the attitude of: “Well, if it’s this way for me, it must/should be that way for you.” However, if you think of it, doing a lot of the activities we do during our day, our minds shut out so much stuff in order to concentrate on whatever, at least within reasonable degrees.

  2. I love music. Without it, I don’t know how I would live. I dislike tv, as I mentioned before, so I always have music on. I downloaded Ricky Nelson’s iTunes, and now I am listening to him a lot. Music helps me with stress, writing, and even motivation.

    *It was strange, trying to log on to LJ and not be able to at all. I kept thinking, “this is how the world ends.” hahaha
    I hated that feeling of disconnect.

      1. Oh you’re sooo kind!!! *blushes*

        Well, okay, a little Drabbling, but not that kind of a writer / author!!!! (You know, the published books-for-sale-in-a-bookshop kind!)

        However, I take a bow!

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