Wednesday night

As Tim said, our friend Steve has flown in for a mini-vacation with us on his way to a family reunion. He knows he’s in for a lot of picture-taking, but I figured I’d give him at least one night’s respite before I began snapping.

Steve was kind enough not to mind that there was a little something I wanted to do that meant I wouldn’t be at The Compound until an hour or so after he arrived. It’s possible that people who live in other places that are not Texas don’t understand what a rare and exciting thing it is for me to be in a room with hundreds of my people. “My people”: a range of voters from the “I can’t take the way things are anymore” to “yellow DAWG.” As in…Democrats.


Wednesday night, I got to spend some time with (and take pictures of) the husband of Elizabeth Edwards.

And it was good.

It’s early days yet, and should the other Democratic candidates come to town and make it possible for people to hear and meet them without having to sell a kidney, I’ll go. I was very grateful that the Edwards campaign allowed me to keep all my organs.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday night”

  1. I like him and his wife. I wish I could go to things like this here, but in Nashville, you do have to sell a kidney to even get close to them.

    It will be an interesting election.

  2. I heard Edwards was in town. I guess it’s time for me to start doing my research. So far, none of the Democratic candidates thrill me, but I know nothing of most of them beyond soundbites.

    1. I just saw on one of the blogs I read that Hillary has formed a GLBT steering committee (of epic proportions) that includes Sue Lovell and Annise Parker.

      As I told the guys last night, it is early. So that’s pretty much what I’m doing. Listening and reading and evaluating. Last time I wouldn’t have liked to throw my support and passion to Dean then endured the Iowa primary.

      1. Well, I think the Dems have to be really wise when choosing their racehorse this year. They can pick up a lot of disgruntled Repub votes with the right candidate and the right platform. Unfortunately, anyone whose name even rhymes with “Clinton” is incredibly polarizing and will send most of those prospective votes back to the right. Anyone whose name even rhymes with “Hillary” is most likely unelectable to that office.

        As usual, the election will be based on who is electable over who is the best choice for the country. And that’s sad.

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