Where in the world is Mark?

Hmmm, we haven’t seen anything from Mark in a couple of days. I feel a little like Rex–waiting and watching.

This is what we call RexTV. When he’s at our house rather than at Tim’s, Rex watches RexTV for hours without getting bored. Today, however, he was watching RexTV because Tim had gone to Green Acres without him since it was raining. As a bad aunt, I used RexTV as a dogsitter.

Maybe if I post some more pretty pictures, they will lure Mark out.

The amaryllis after all four blooms opened, just before their weight made the long, thin stalks succumb to gravity.

The flowers that grow wild on the clover, because Mark knows I like these two colors together.

A rose just beginning to open.

If the pretty pictures didn’t work, maybe Mark would like a Dog Tale.

This is BIG, Rex thought. News so big and delicious I have to share it!


“Margot! Guess what? You’re never going to believe this!”

“I don’t care,” Margot said. She walked away and found a spot to be alone, away from the excitable Rex.

Across the vast lawn, Guinness heard Rex yell something at her. “What?” she yelled back. “Did you say they need to wash the car?!?”

“A hole!” Rex shouted. “I said, ‘There’s a hole in the yard!'”

“Why, so there is,” Guinness agreed.

–The End–

11 thoughts on “Where in the world is Mark?”

  1. The Garden pix may not have gotten Mark to come out, but they sure caused me to perk up. Lovely my dear.

    The little Pink Oxalis flowers a.k.a. Clover are adorable. There are so many varieties around the world, from houseplants to weeds. We have a yellow variety up in Wisconsin that is delicious tart and loaded in Vitamin C, and grows as a weed so I munch on it all summer long.I would encourage you to eat yours, but I am not one hundred percent sure all varieties are harmless.

    Loved the dog drama. Is that a subtle British accent on Margot’s part, or does she just use that when performing?

  2. Ha! Loved the doggy drama.
    When I’m in the reading room Phoebe will sit and look out the window for forever-I always have to pull the blinds up for her to get a better view. Then she can be a Gladys Kravitz and keep track of the comings and goings on the street.


    I was at the grump’s computer today and I noticed how good you are to your pets even if they are dogs. How wonderful to write a cute photo illustrated story about them. Hopefully the grump will notice this missive and treat me accordingly. You know I get no respect around here, and I’d consider a Texas visit if your compound wasn’t so doggoned doggy.
    Oskar LeChat

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