Rearranging my budget

I feel a rant coming on. A political rant. You may move on if you only like the shiny happy posts with dog photos and flowers and joy and joyness…

I abhor the way Ann Coulter gets attention every time she spews something shocking and hateful, so it’s not easy for me to give her space here on my LiveJournal. I also despise the names bloggers and blog commenters, names that are among the most insulting, demeaning things a woman can be called, use in reaction to her. In a perfect world, she and hatemongers like her would at most get a roll of the eyes before being thoroughly ignored by everyone of any political affiliation until they get what anachronisms deserve–obscurity.

Instead, she gets attention. As dismaying as it is that this educated, twenty-first century professional woman considers her sneering, condescending performances to be the best show in town, the true problem lies with her audience. Which at the recent Political Conservative Action Conference included Dick Cheney, father of a lesbian, and Rudy Giuliani, who lived with a gay couple while he was going through his divorce. These two at least tacitly approved Ann Coulter’s use of the word “faggot”–as in calling John Edwards a “faggot” in her speech, whether or not they were laughing and clapping with her audience.

I don’t care what you believe about the war in Iraq or fiscal conservatism or morality. I don’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat or a Christian or a pagan. Any person who laughs or does not express disapproval when someone with a microphone uses the word “faggot?” Whether that’s at a political rally or a NASCAR race or a church service or a school board meeting or ANYWHERE, if you have ever known one gay person or lesbian, if you have ever had one friend or coworker or family member or schoolmate or student or acquaintance who is gay or lesbian–even if you think you DON’T know a single gay or lesbian person but you profess to be a decent human being–and you do not greet that with shocked silence, or walk out, or speak up, or demand an apology, or say no to that kind of invective, then YOU, not Ann Coulter, are the problem. She’s just the monkey* who keeps performing without regard for dignity, civility, integrity, and decorum because you’re not demanding those qualities from the people who supposedly speak for your party and its leaders.

I will not call you or her vile names, but your candidates will never get my vote, and I only wish I could find more ways to ensure that no dollar I earn goes toward anything that supports your hate.

Today I made my first contribution from my limited disposable income to a Democratic candidate for president.

*I do apologize to monkeys.

11 thoughts on “Rearranging my budget”

  1. I 100 percent agree with you.

    I think Ann Coulter says and does the things she does because it gets her attention. Negative attention is just as good as positive in her case, and it sells her. I don’t think for a minute that she actually believes half of what she says. That of course makes her actions even more vile.

  2. What a wonderful post, Becky. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’ve been thinking about making a contribution to a Democratic candidate, too. It won’t be much, but I think it will feel great to get involved.

  3. I’ve been sleeping so much the last so many days that I missed this. Here is the Media matter’s article and video link of Ann Coulter making this comment for others who didn’t see this yet.

    Coulter is a hateful kook. And a hypocrite: I didn’t like Edwards employing two Far Left bloggers who went after Christians in the most hateful way possible, and I don’t like Romney having someone like the Far Right Coulter speak at his function, spouting this hatred, using homophobic epithets. If Coulter really wants to help the Conservative movement, she should keep her damn mouth shut. Coulter can’t condemn the hateful statements that the Far Left says if she’s going to do the Far Right version of making hateful comments. This episode reinforces my belief that people who take extreme positions on any topic are usually nuts.

  4. God, and I thought she’d hit an all time low when she accused the 911 widows of enjoying their husbands deaths. If she were a Democrat saying such vile things about the Republicans someone in the Christian Right would have killed her by now.

    I wonder which circle of hell she’ll end up in?

  5. Silence is approval, intended or otherwise.

    And Michael Savage, who says many of the same sorts of things, has been marginalized by other conservatives. Maybe if he looked better in a black skirt…

  6. At this point in our country’s illustrious political history, I find it less offensive to be called a “faggot” than a “republican”….
    As usual, Miz Coulter checked her broom (and brains) at the door, as did the other candidates.

    Love your site, by the way….

    ALAN (Joel’s partner and better known around these here parts as Raphi’s papa!?!?!)

  7. I read about this (and saw the video clip) at I was appalled. I wanted to blog about it, but I couldn’t put the words together in such a way that I wouldn’t be as hurtful and stupid as she.

    She fancies herself a political pundit, but she does nothing but make ad hominem attacks. The only thing political in her comments is that she talks about politicians or a political subject, but does she actually comment? Nope. She just attacks. In this case, she didn’t exactly call John Edwards the f-word, but she implied it very strongly. Oh yeah, Ann…that’s the best you can do for your candidate? “Vote for Mitt. At least he’s not a f****t.” If so, I think the Dems have a great chance at the White House.

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